Chapter 49 - Betrayal

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Layla POV

It echoed through the forest and all around us. A blood curling scream as loud as sirens coming from nearby. A girl most definitely. Daryl and I shot each other an urgent look with wide eyes and raised eyebrows.

"Come on! It could be Lacey!" I motioned I started to run toward where the scream had come from with Daryl following closely behind.

The whole forest was a blur before me. I was just depending on my other senses to guide me around the trees. At the minute, it was taking all my will power to block out the memories of what had just happened. I swear I kept seeing Alice either half behind a tree or facing away from me though. Just quick, blurred flashes of her as I ran past.

We hadn't ran far, but I was drained. Just as I had thought, we found Lacey sitting on the ground. Her hands tied behind her, around a thick tree, it almost looked painful to keep for arms at such an angle. Her eyes were red and puffy, I supposed from crying.

"Please! Help!" She cried out as I realised I had been standing in shock for a moment. Daryl took a knife from his belt and started at the ropes around her hand.

"What the hell happened?" I asked, crouching in front of her.

"It's Rob! He's alive! He was mad because I left him and 'cus I thought he was dead! He's gone insane! He knocked me out and tied me up and... And..." She stuttered, trying to get out her words. Her hands were then free as the rope snapped, Daryl put his knife away as Lacey stood up.

"Quick, we should get out of here before he gets back!" I yelled and started to hurry off again with Daryl.

But she just stood there. Her arms folded, looking at the ground.

"What are doin'?! We gotta go!" Daryl gestured, staying where he was as I went over to Lacey.

"Lacey, come on, before he gets back." I said, holding her shoulders comfortingly, I figured it must be hard to have her brother turn on her like that. She stayed silent, looking down so I couldn't see her face. "Lacey?" I asked again after a minute.

A smile grew on her face. She looked up and looked me straight in the eye.

"Too late." She smirked. I furrowed my brow in confusion, looking straight back at her and about to ask questions when I hears Daryl.

"Layl..." He never got to finish saying my name before I snapped around to see him lying on the floor, knocked out.

And Rob was behind him.

I looked back to Lacey in utter shock but as soon as I looked back to her, she dug her knee hard into my stomach. I grunted in pain, holding my stomach but managed to stay standing. Before I could stumble off too far, she gripped my shoulders and kneed me again, this time causing me to lose my balance as she pushed me over. I landed face down in the dirt. I managed to flip over onto my back, groaning in pain because as I did, she kicked in my side. My vision became blurred again and my eyes began to water. I could just about see Daryl's still unconscious body lying a couple meters away from me. I was just about able to lie on my back, in an attempt to get up. As I did, I got a glimpse of Lacey again. But she it didn't look like her. She looked like Alice. I had already clicked on that it was more hallucinations but it was terrifying. She had a knife tip coming from the centre of her head, like where I thought Daryl had stabbed her before.

The last thing I saw was the bottom of her boot rising above my face before crashing down. I felt an agonising pain then, darkness again with Alice's damaged, cold face imprinted to the front of my mind.
I hope the 'Lacey POV' part in the last chapter makes sense now 😂😄

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