Chapter 42 - Alice

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My thoughts like roads with no traffic lights. Colliding, manic, loud. Everything messed up, everything replaying in my head for the millionth time straight. I managed to sweep it all to the back of my head for a second so I could focus on my surroundings. My head still hurt but like he said 'my minute is up'. I quickly grabbed my crossbow whilst he got his and the bag whilst sealing my lips, dreading I would say something I would regret.

"Where we gonna hold up tonight?" Daryl asked turning around and waiting for me. I just shrugged at him and carried on walking now, side by side.

"We'll find somewhere. We can always go back to the cabin or shed or cavern." I replied though I didn't really think about my answer. It was more of a natural response as my mind was still consumed with thoughts of my family

"What so we can pay a visit to Jae? Back track?" He raised his eyebrow doubtingly.

"Yeah, you're probably right. We could just hold up somewhere round here. I mean, it's alright for one night." I suggested.

"Really? It's still morning, gotta track this deer. You can stay here if ya really want, I'm carryin' on." He grunted as he kept striding along next to me.

"Well if I wanna stay, you can't do much." I smirked, he just furrowed his brow. "You leave me here, Merle would be pissed." I joked sarcastically.

"I leave you here, Merle's gonna care his brother came back alive, not British bitch." He sneered back but I couldn't tell if he was joking or not.

"Bitch?" I laughed. He smirked and nodded. "I'm sure you could think of better. Don't you have a wider vocabulary Mr. Dixon?" I teased. The look on his face looked like he wanted to play along and laugh but something inside him told him just to get on with the day. I sighed.

"So ya staying or not?" He mumbled gesturing to a nice clear spot near us.

"Nah, I'm good. I think I'll need to stay with my 'knight in shining armor' to save me if someone tries to kill me again or worse." I avowed with a smile that quickly changed to a smile as my flashbacks came back again...


I stormed out of the room and out the front door without a second thought. I hopped into my car that was on their driveway and just sat in the drivers seat for a second, my head in my hands, fighting back tears. There was a sudden click that made me jump as Alice opened my car door.

"Scooch over, I'll drive." She insisted. I just nodded and moved into the passenger seat as she climbed into the drivers ones and slammed the door, starting it up and driving off.

"Where are we going?" I sniffed without looking up or bothering to put my seat belt on.

"Away from here," She answered bluntly. We were only in the car for about 10 minutes, both of us silent the whole time. I had tears spilling from my eyes but Alice's expression was still blank. We stopped in town somewhere but I wasn't really paying attention to where we were going as she grabbed my hand and began leading me through the busy streets. She lead me to my familiar Costa cafe where she ordered us both coffee then we sat outside at a table opposite each other waiting for our drinks.

"Why've you done this?" I asked laughing at the situation. I run out of a house full of family and my best friend follows me and drags me to my favourite coffee palace.

"I think you needed to be away from your parents for a bit and your siblings, they probably just need time to think it through and process it. It is a big change." She sighed. I didn't mind her taking me away from my family like that or saying that about that, to be honest she was family.

"I should have told them. Now they're all worked up. I mean, they're not even happy for me! They're just worrying about what they're gonna do without me and what I'm gonna do without them! Like I said, I can take care of my damn self." I snapped angrily as our drinks arrived and were placed in front of us. I saw Alice thank the waiter then turn back to me.

"Of course they're happy for you! You're their daughter! They're just shocked. I guarantee you, when you go back they're gonna be slamming you with questions and smiling and asking you to tell them your plans and show them the house or flat or whatever you brought. All of them." She smiled. I didn't know what to say. She was probably right I just couldn't get their faces out of my head, the sadness and shock. The image was glued down on the inside of my eyelids. I didn't want to go back.

Flashback End

Hope you're all enjoying the story so far and sorry I haven't been updating so frequently, it was because I've been working on a new book called 'Passenger' which I would be so soooooooo grateful if you could check out. I've been working really hard to try and edit it to make it better and come up with a decent story line and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I do writing it! Anyway thankyou so much for reading 😄

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