Chapter 41 - Minute

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"You know what you said earlier?" She began. Oh shit, been dreading this. So she did hear, just didn't say anything. Brilliant. I rolled my eyes and nodded but I don't think she saw. "I know they are dead. They knew I loved them though. Even if any of them are alive they know I still care, my parents, my friends, my whole family died knowing I love them and I'm gonna die knowing they love me and care. I don't feel guilty, yes I haven't contacted them in over 7 years but you gotta remember they haven't spoke to me in 7 years either, it works both ways. It doesn't matter now anyway, can't speak to em even if I wanted to and they were all alive so it don't matter. None of it matters really." She stammered smiling faintly as she pulled herself up against a nearby tree so she was leaning against it. I was speechless and half shocked, sitting next to her. Course I was glad she was ok... I mean... I'm glad... It's good that she ent worrying.

"Sorry..." She sighed, noticing my expression. Tears forming in her eyes at the thought of her family.

"Hey, you're ok." I hushed her putting my arm around her gently. I wasn't good with this shit but I had to try something. The deer had gone but that didn't matter, I could always just keep tracking it and it would be even slower now we shot it again.

"I know I'm fine..." She sniffed leaning her head on my shoulder. We were both bloody, muddy, tired, aching and exhausted in the middle of the woods, far from anywhere safe. She's the one who wanted to come out here though.

Layla POV


A gathering. At my parents house. My parents, my siblings and best friend gathered for my news.

"I'm moving to America." I said blatantly. Mike began to laugh. "I'm serious. Atlanta in Georgia. I found some place I wanna go live, an apartment. It's all sorted. The last thing I needed to do was tell you all. It's for definite." I informed them all. The smile was wiped from Mike's face. Everyone's expressions shocked. We all sat silently. No one knew what to say.

"How long have you been planning?" My mum spoke up. "A little less than a year" I admitted looking down at my feet. "Please tell me you're joking," Amelia whined desperately. I shook my head and saw tears spill from her eyes. My dad holding my mum and Mike holding Amelia's hand comfortingly. Alice was sitting still and wide eyed. Staring at everyone in the room, sitting next to my little sister, Leah who had the same expression as Alice.

"I'm sorry, I should of told you sooner, but you would have tried to stop me!" I managed to mumble, my words gradually evolving into a shout. "Why do you want to leave? Why can't you stay? Layla, you're barely an adult and you're already leaving? Please..." My dad choked, trying to not show that he was upset but I could see he was.

"Dad, I'm gonna be honest with you. I hate it here. Now, of course, I love all of you here. You are the most important people in my life. But I hate England. America just seems like a place where I can finally be myself and do all the things I want to do before I die. I have one life, I'm not wasting it in this stupid country any longer!" I ranted and saw how heart broken everyone was.

"When is your flight out?" Leah asked. She had been silent since she stepped through the door. "Couple months. A few weeks after my 19th." I told her aloud. My whole family seemed broken. I thought they would be happy for me! No, they were all worried about what they were gonna do without me and worry what I was gonna do without them. "I can take care of my bloody self!" I shouted and stormed out. That had not gone as planned. At all.

Flashback end

"Minutes up," I heard Daryl mumble, snapping me out of my trance. I wanna go home.

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