Chapter 9 - Open Your Eyes

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Panicking, I checked my hands, hoping they weren't slowly stripping away like they were a second ago. They didn't have any cuts. My wrists and arms too, were fine. Human.

"What's going on?" Daryl asked crouching next to me and gently putting his hand on my shoulder, comforting me. I didn't want to speak. What if the same thing happened again? I just stared at him with blank eyes, hoping he wouldn't run in the other direction at the sight I was. He didn't run. He didn't scream. I was normal, or at least I think I was. It was that or he didn't care that his girlfriend looked hideous. "You alright?" He concerned again. I pursed my lips and nodded, perching myself on the log. He sat on the blanket but daren't lie down until he knew what was going on with me. I had my back to him but I could feel him staring at me. "Speak to me." He demanded after a few minutes. I swung my legs around to face him and gave a faint smile but didn't speak. I was too afraid. I had to though, better now with just Daryl than with a room filled with family and friends.

"Goodnight." I whispered. Yes, proper words. I sighed a sigh of relief and calmed down a bit from then. It was just a dream, it doesn't mean anything, doesn't have to be remembered, it isn't important. The rest of the night passed quite quickly. I tried not to think about what happened in the hour Daryl was asleep but it was hard not to recall with nothing else to do. After he woke up, I went to sleep again but had no dream. Or at least no dream I remembered when I woke up. When I had fallen asleep for the second time it was dark but by the time I had woken up the sun was rising. Daryl didn't get me up, I woke naturally. Guess he must've let me sleep overtime.

"You gonna tell me why you were acting up last night?" Daryl asked but quietly as we continued to make our way deeper into the forest whilst the sun was still edging it's way over the horizon. To be honest, I did want to tell him, I just didn't want to try remember it myself. I sealed my lips, looking up at him and trying to recall the start of it.

"I was..." I began but just thinking about the dream gave me shivers. "Leah was there and my um... My family and my... Friend, Alice."

"Yeah, what's so bad about that?" He asked. I guess he thought having a dream about family and friends couldn't be that bad in times like this, especially as dreams can make it seem like you are really there.

"They weren't... They were... And I was..." I was finishing sentences in my head but the words could never quite reach my lips. I took a deep breath and numbed my mind. I was making a big deal out of something so little, just a dream. "We were in a living room and all their eyes were like... Black and everyone ran apart from Alice, then um... You showed up and threw a knife and it stabbed me and um... I was a... A walker and... Alice made you kill me and... Everyone was screaming... Everyone was so afraid of me!" I took in another deep breath after talking so fast. I hoped he had understood because I wasn't saying that again.

"Oh..." He mumbled.

"Look, it don't matter, it was just a dream." I smiled over the thousands thoughts that whizzed around my mind.

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