Chapter 10 - The Waterfall

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We were both silent for most of the time, just the sound of the forest chiming around. Again, it was not long until we came across a few animals, squirrel, a rabbit and a few other things but nothing to extravagant for our likings. We headed deeper and deeper into the forest trying to find another new spot to camp for the night, snacking on the things we caught on the way. Not very nice but got to eat something, can't be picky now a days or you'll just starve. The second day went by quickly, we talked about Merle and back home, the past. All the people we used to know, we shouldn't really. All of these people or most of them are dead whilst we're still here. It's selfish really.

I snatched my knife from my belt and launched it at a tree. It hit and killed a squirrel.

"Good shot." Daryl congratulated me.

"At least mine hit something and didn't almost kill someone." I shrugged taking the squirrel and my knife.

"Whatever, that was still a good shot yesterday." He jeered remembering how he threw that knife at the tree near my head which I believe was him almost killing me but he seemed to think it was all just a big joke about how good he is at knife throwing. Big head. I rolled my eyes but couldn't help smiling slightly. I remembered the look on his face after he threw it, his mini celebration of proving me wrong. I was about to say something when suddenly a new sound greeted my ears, the rushing of water. We had only brought a few bottles of water and had got through the first couple already and we needed to fill up.

"You hear that?" I asked pausing and putting my hand out stopping him to. He nodded and passed my hand, continuing in direction of where the sound had been coming from. Within 5 minutes, the noise became vivid and was mostly all we could hear, muffled by the trees and leaves. We then stumbled though the last layer of bushes to reveal a small waterfall, rushing over a set of rock, diving into the pool beneath. I could see the bottom on the river, the tiny, smooth pebbles rolling along the floor with sand and mud getting picked up and rushed along my the shore. It looked deep and murky but shallow enough for an adult to stand in and not be completely engulfed by the waves. It flowed like time, always onward, always toward its destiny. In the shade of the boughs we stood beneath, feeling the welcome breeze of coolness, watching each ripple swirl and disappear. The water surface, livened by brief crescents of white as fish swan along, only one or two. Our eyes travelled downstream, caressing the dapples that brought specks of shine on the water to a satisfying hue. The smell of the damp, forest debry that had settled next to the edge of the flow filling my lungs.

I dropped my crossbow then edged my way to the side of the curving water that eroded to the rocks of the riverbed, admiring the sparkling view. This close now I could clearly see the particles of mud floating on the surface, half taking away the gleaming of it. I spun around to get the bag off Daryl so we could boil and bottle the water to see Daryl had already gotten them out for me. I smiled thankfully as I took them off him then crouched by the river on my toes and began collecting the water. It looked pretty nasty in the container but once we had boiled it, it should be ok. I heard Daryl's footsteps behind me, probably getting another container to help me or set up a fire. That was until a pair of large hands grasped at my shoulders and push me hard forwards. My first reaction the grab the hands and I plummeted into the water without letting go of the hands, bringing them and the thing they belonged to with it.

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