Chapter 47 - You're To Blame

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"Leah!" I screamed in complete and utter horror. This time, sound actually managed to pass my lips. It shocked me at how loud I suddenly was. She body spun around slowly and I shouted again. I don't know why. It didn't achieve anything. Screaming. It was pointless. I could still barely see and at this point, I was glad of it. I couldn't move anymore.

Then, more whispers.

The same way Leah had whispered to me but a different girl's voice. I recognised it again. It could only be one person. Alice.

"Look what you did." She whispered harshly to me, like she was talking to a child. A blurred hand with distinct black fingernails appeared from behind me and pointed at the body as if someone was reaching over my shoulder. "I can't believe you did that. That's your sister." She whispered again. I sealed my lips tightly and started to shake my head, no. "Oh yes. It was your fault. You started it. You might as well have been dead to her. You might as well have been dead to all your family." She whispered softly again. She whispered in a way that sounded as if it was meant to be comforting though her words were the complete opposite.

"You are responsible for this..." She began to taunt me again before I interrupted.

"It wasn't me! I did nothing!" I exclaimed as loud as I could with the little air I was getting into my lungs. I started to ache everywhere but nothing was as painful as that sharp, stabbing pain in my chest.

"Oh you did though darling. You left. You started it. You are responsible, you're to blame for all their deaths... And mine too." The whispering got more distant like she was backing away from me. I felt compelled to move and sharply spun around to see Alice but she looked different. Her skin paler than ever, almost white. Bloodshot eyes, chapped, thinned lips and blood stains.

"Alice!" I yelled before the tip of a knife came from the front of her head. Thick, velvet red blood seeped from the wound as she too, smiled softly before collapsing next to me. I breathed heavier and heavier, taking deep but shallow breaths then felt hands on my shoulders and another figure in front of me. Daryl. No. I couldn't watch him die too.

"No! No! Get away!" I screamed in his face, instead he did opposite and pulled me toward him.

"Shh, Layla. What's going on?" He said in an agitated tone. I felt warmth instead of the bitter cold as a rested my chin on his shoulder, his one hand behind my head and other on my back. I cried and cried until I realised. He was real. This was Daryl.

"Daryl?" I sniffed weakly.

"Yeah? I'm here." He reassured me and stroked my hair, reminding me of Amelia and Leah.

"Oh my gosh," I wept but tried to hold it back making my throat hurt. "Please - please don't leave. Don't go. Please stay. Don't leave me alone, I can't be alone." Every word was painful but still each breath desperately turned into speech as I clutched back onto him, never wanting to let go.

"Don't worry. Calm down, I'm not leaving. I promise." He hushed me, as I managed to take in deep breaths and breath properly finally.

"Really promise?" I managed to say quietly though the hallucinations were still flashing before my eyes every time I closed them. I was terrified. All I could think to do was hold onto him.

"Sit here," He said after a minute and I moved over to a nearby tree I leant up against. He scrambled in the bag he had with him and pulled out a half empty bottle of water. "Drink up," He advised and I did, taking heavy gulps until ere was none left. I wiped tears from my face and swept my hair out the way, my vision was much better now. I could see clearly now and saw how worried he looked.

"What the hell happened?" He asked, crouching down in front of me.

"I'm not entirely sure to be honest," I gulped looking around and saw a walker with a knife in the back of its head lying on the ground where I had seen Alice fall. I looked to the tree I saw Leah in. Nothing. Just a normal tree. There were no traces of Mike or Amelia either. "I think I hallucinated." I put bluntly and held my hand to my head and felt my head was hot as hell. All my thoughts were jumbled, I was trying to piece together everything I'd saw and come up with an explanation to tell Daryl. The best I could come up with was - I was going insane.

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