Chapter 14 - Off Again

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I saw a blurred handsome man, looking at me and carrying me then placing me down on the floor. "Layla!" His voice echoed through my ears, it was sweet and charming, soothing almost and speaking my name. "Layla! Can you hear me?!" The man said again though I recognised his voice this time, it was Daryl.

"You okay?" He asked as he placed his crossbow down and took the bag off my back. We were sitting on a rough, wooden planked floor, our backs to the wall. "Yeah, you?" I panted checking him over, he had a small cut on his forehead that was bleeding slightly and was covered in dirt, much like myself, but other than that he was the same. He nodded as an answer to my question. "What are we meant to do now?" I worried, my voice being drowned by the sound of the walkers clawing away at the woods from outside.

"Stay here, hope they passed by the time we wake up." He declared then scavenged for a lighter in the bag then light a small fire in the fire place with it, laying his clothes next to it. He came and sat down next to me then as the walkers outside continued to try to break in.

"I'll take first watch." I claimed. "Nah, no one needs to be on watch, we'll be fine." He shrugged ignoring my concern. We slept in the cabin that night, both at the same time, it was pretty cold, we laid out some blankets too but I was still frozen the whole night. The only thing keeping me warm, the ember coming from the fire place.

The next morning I woke feeling cold and hungry. Daryl was nowhere to be seen. Without hesitation decided to go look for him, breakfast could wait I suppose. So I got all of our things from the cabin and it was already bright out, the sun not yet fully rose but light enough to see perfectly fine. Wandering through the woods, once again. I could never get tired of it though, it seemed to change every time I went back, warping into a different atmosphere every minute of the day, changing around me whether that be for the better... Or for the worse. With no surprise, I came across yet another walker. Jesus, I'm sick of these thing. It was pretty hideous, telling me it had been dead for a while. Its decaying head turned and snarled its disgusting yellow teeth at me. I grimaced, seeing a chunk of flesh hanging off its leg. It stumbled towards me, I sighed. Taking out my knife, I plunged it into the beast's skull.

"Prick," I spat kicking it as its body went limp. I hitched my crossbow higher on my shoulder then carried on to hike through the greenery. No more than 10 minutes later, I was back at the lake we had fallen into when the hard of walkers was chasing us, where I thought I had my last seconds of breathing but no, I'm still here. I saw most of the soft mud surrounding the water was marked with thousands of footprints all going off either into the woods or towards the cabin with bits of flesh stuck in nearby sharp branches that stood out from trees and blood from their wounds in various spots all over the place.

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