Chapter 31 - Get a Grip

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It must've been about an hour by now maybe an hour and a half. The walker herd had passed too but it had started raining heavy. I just wanted her to wake up so we could get outta here. For all I know it could be days. What if she was in some sort of coma? I found myself checking on her every few minutes, checking if her heart was still beating rhythmically and her breathing was patterned. If I didn't then I began to worry. It made me feel sick thinking she was dead and it was horrible.

It was completely silent other than the sound of rain until I head footsteps coming from outside. I grabbed my crossbow and cautiously made my way to the opening where I could see outside. Out there, there was no people. Phew. I lifted myself out and sat with my legs dangling into the cavern. Then, I heard the footsteps again. I jumped up, aiming my loaded crossbow around and then saw a deer appear from the thick woods. I quickly pulled the trigger. An arrow shot into the deer's neck. It didn't impale it but went in far enough to get stuck. The deer then sped off into the distance taking my arrow with it. Dammit. I was gonna try catch up with it, venison would be a nice treat from the shit we'd been having to eat lately, when I heard a blood curling scream coming from the cavern.

Without a second thought a dropped back in, falling over on the way down. I quickly scrambled to my feet and ran to Layla who was now sitting up, slouched against the wall.

"Layla!" I yelled crouching infront of her. Once again, I held her shoulders. Her eyes still flickering open and closed and her breath fast and heavy. "Layla?" I said again. She had been conscious enough to sit herself up but not to open her damn eyes?

Layla POV

"Daryl..." I whimpered finally managing to get a word out but my voice was crackly and quiet.

"Hey," He gave a faint smile, stroking my face slightly. I flinched slightly at the touch but then relaxed and opened my eyes fully.

"Where are we?" I asked looking around. It was pretty dark and hard to tell what was around.

"Like a... Cavern type thing. In the woods still." Daryl informed me in a soft tone. I tried to get up but he stopped me. "Hey, lemme get a look at you. You're probably hurt real bad."

"I'm ok, I'll be fine. Just gotta get on with it." I shrugged and tried to get up again but he stopped me again. "Daryl, seriously. Come on. Let's go. I'm fine." I arched my eyebrows nodding slightly. Honestly, I was in real pain. Aches and stings whizzing all around my body but I had a feeling I had caused him enough trouble already judging by the situation so didn't want to be any more of a fuss.

"I'm not kidding. Layla you were practically almost killed! Don't you understand that?" He raised his voice a little.

"Of course I bloody..." I began to protest but he interrupted me.

"No! Layla, I almost lost you! I went away and you almost died! Then when I do find you, you're cut, bruises and beat by some asshole who thinks he can get the better of you!" He was now shouting. I coward back, slightly shocked and terrified by his sudden change of tone. "Then you can't breathe! What if you would have suffocated to death? Right there and right then? No, you didn't, no instead some other asshole whacks you over the head with a rock!" He carried on, getting louder as he spoke. I rubbed the back of my head, yeah it was bruised and suddenly hurt like hell. "See?" He furrowed his brow. His eyes a mixture of worry and anger. And blame. I could see he blamed no one but himself for what had happened.

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