Chapter 39 - Illness and Embarrassment

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I didn't sleep that much last night. I sat awake with my knife incase anything tried to attack us. I didn't care that she got to sleep and I didn't I just wanted to move the moment the sun rose. I hoped that she wouldn't be too bad from last nights scene and that the deer prints were still there.

Layla POV

My head was throbbing with a pain so indescribable I couldn't even open my eyes and look around. The stingy aching pain behind my eyes like someone was trying to pull them into my head and someone else was trying to tear my hair from my scalp. Then someone else tightening a clamp that was fastened either side of my brain. Hurt like hell. I wanted to go back to sleep where I felt to pain but now I couldn't. I couldn't even open my eyes. I didn't want to move.

"Layla?" I heard him say waking me up fully. I let out a sigh and attempted to get up but he was still holding me.

"Hey..." I said and seeing I was fully awake now he quickly released me from his grasp as I saw a hint of red in his face too which made me laugh.

"What's so funny?" He scowled as I crawled up beside him and leant against the wall of the cabin, still smiling. I let out another giggle and shrugged. I then saw how horrible it was in this shed. And I stayed here the whole night?

"You alright to move about, ya know get going n' stuff." He wondered as he attempted to get up himself. He managed to and stretched then held out his hand to me.

"Guess we'll find out." I smiled taking it as he hauled me up. "Geez, it's cramped in here," I complained seeing what I'd slept in last night. It smelt of alcohol that stung my nostrils. How the hell we'd end up here? It was too small for two people to fit in. I've no idea how we managed. The pile of bottles Daryl had moved from it were still outside too

"Ya dragged me in there with your own two hands." He ridiculed stepping outside. I felt my face turn bright red again. What the hell had I done!

"What d'ya mean?" I laughed trying to pass it of as a joke.

"I mean you said ya were cold so went in the shed. Ya then tried to get me in there but I stayed outside so you dragged me in saying you 'were trying to annoy me' and ended up fallin asleep." He accused as I joined him outside. Did I really say that!? Wow... The pounding in my head wasn't getting better. I leant up the shed for support but I still felt like I was falling, my vision becoming blurry then clear, changing around making it even more painful than it already was to keep my eyes open. I closed them and took a few deep breaths before I felt something cold on my shoulder. I looked over and saw Daryl holding out a water bottle to me.

"Thanks," I smiled weakly taking it from him and taking large gulp then went to hand it him back.

"Keep it, tell me if you get light headed, we can stop." He assured me then picked up all our things, handing me my crossbow and began to search for whatever he was tracking again. I dragged myself behind him wearily and did feel light headed but didn't want to slow him down any more than I already had.

"Daryl?" I panted attempting to keep up.

"Yeah?" He acknowledged but didn't look over, just stared down at the tracks that I hadn't been paying attention to.

"Did I say anything else yesterday?" I wondered. I needed to know exactly what I'd told him. What if I'd told him something he weren't meant to know? Or did anything? I had to know.

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