Chapter 18

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Harry’s fingers traced patterns on my bare back, the other hand playing with my hair. His chest rose softly with each breath, me raising with it. My head lay motionless on his chest, Harry not having any knowledge I was awake. My hand rested on his perfectly chiseled abs. My mind flashed back to the memories of the previous night… the perfect night. My thumb gently stroked his abs, signaling to him I was awake.

“Good morning, love,” He greeted me in his deep, raspy, morning voice.

“Good morning,” I replied. “Last night was…”

“Perfect.” He finished for me.

We sat these in silence, taking in the beautiful morning as we just lay there together.

“What should we do today?” He asked.

“How about we visit the village?” I suggested.

We both headed for the bathroom. After we showered and got ready, we were off to the village.

When we arrived we were instantly welcomed by a large group of little children. The only language we all could interpret was smiling. They kicked the soccer ball towards us, inviting us to play. Harry and I joined in, choosing to be on opposing teams. We all played, the little kids clinging to both of us. Harry picked up one of the younger ones, spinning them around as they laughed while stealing the ball from them. All the kids were in fits of laughter and everyone tackled Harry. Everyone jumped and giggled as Harry acted as the human bed. I knelt down next to Harry, giving the children high fives. Harry looked up at me chuckling as the kids continued to gather around him. Children always took to him so well. 

“I love you.” I said, smiling back at him.

“I love you too.” He intertwined our fingers together.

Soon the game resumed, neither team winning, just playing for the fun of it. Once the children were called in for dinner, we hugged them goodbye. Then we left the village and returned to our room tired from the days’ activities.

I took another shower once we got back since I had been rolling on the dirt-covered ground throughout the day. When I came from the bathroom (remembering to bring a change of pajamas this time), I found Harry on the bed, reading a book. He looked up from his page, smiling at me before returning to the story. I dug through my suitcase to find the book I had brought, “How to Kill a Mockingbird.” I had meant to read it many times but never got around to it. I’d only heard good reviews on the book but never expected to have time for it on our honeymoon. I threw some pillows on the opposite end of the bed, entangling my legs with his as I propped myself up across from him. I rested one foot on his chest, he gently stroked the bottom half of my leg with his free hand. We both lay there, reading most of the night. Even though we had done separate activities, just being next to him made me feel as if we had just shared a deep conversation. It was crazy how the simplest moments could be some of the best.

The rest of our honeymoon went similar. We’d have activity filled days, ‘fun nights’, and sleep most of the mornings away.

The last night of our honeymoon, we both rested by the pool. I sat a few feet from the pool, dangling the bottoms of my feet in. Harry rested his head on his arms in between my legs, the rest of him in the water. He cleared his throat and I looked at him, noticing he was purposely avoiding eye contact.

“Is there something you need to say?” I asked with a giggle.

“Yeah,” He replied uneasily.

“What’s wrong?” I questioned, more concerned. I sat up and Harry held on two my hands, his thumbs caressing them.

“The band is going on tour the day after we get back.”

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