Chapter 14

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My eyes opened to blinding light coming in through the window. As my eyes adjusted I saw snowflakes twirling to the ground. It was a beautiful sight. I felt Harry’s arms tightly wrapped around me, his chest softly rising with each breath as his fingers traced invisible designs up the length of my arms.

“Merry Christmas beautiful,” He said, gently kissing my forehead. The memories of last night flashed into my brain. I was beyond embarrassed.

“Good morning.” I replied. “I’m going to go see if Lillie is awake yet.” I tried to create an excuse to end any further awkward moments. As I tried to escape his grasp, Harry’s arms only tightened around me.

“Please wait.” Harry whispered. I sighed and crossed my legs, sitting next to him. I played with a loose string on the comforter, looking down to avoid his eyes. “Last night you never let me finish. I want to share that experience with you so badly… restraining myself for this long has been torture. But the thing is I know you don’t want to have sex until after marriage. I know right now you might be thinking differently but you might regret that decision a week from now. I don’t want to be the reason you break a promise to yourself. Abstinence is a really personal thing that I respect and I just don’t want you to be disappointed. I cannot wait until the special day comes when it happens but I want you to be positive you are ready and I can wait for however long that takes.”

I propped myself up on my elbows, “I know you say that but…”

“Shh…” Harry put a finger to my lips, “I mean it. I love you and I’d do anything for you.”

He put his arm around my waist, pulling me down onto the bed. I nestled back into his chest, accepting the fact that I truly have a perfect boyfriend. As I shut my eyes, enjoying the serenity of this moment… “WAKE UP! IT’S CHRISTMAS!” I heard little miss sunshine scream at the top of her lungs from her bedroom. Within seconds I heard the pitter patter of tiny feet and our bedroom door being thrown open.

“Get up now, we have to go see the presents!” Lillie pounced on us, refusing to give up.

I rolled out of Harry’s arms and Lillie smiled at me. Harry took Lillie into his arms, twirling her into the air. “Come on munchkin, let’s go see what that old guy brought you.”

“You can’t talk about Santa that way…” I heard Lillie lecturing Harry as they began to descend down the stairs.

I sighed in happiness and tore the covers off of me. The cold air hit me, causing goose bumps to creep up my skin. I yanked open the nightstand drawer and put on a pair of fuzzy socks. I swung my legs over the bed, and groaned as I stood up. Sometimes I wished Christmas was in the winter, it’d make it a lot easier to be perky so early in the morning.

As soon as I reached the living room all eyes were on me, “Are Eleanor and Louis with you?” Lillie asked me.

“Nope, I heard them talking upstairs though so I’m sure they won’t be long.” Lillie didn’t seem satisfied with my answer. “How about we make some hot cocoa before we open the presents?”

Lillie wasn’t thrilled about the idea of postponing presents but she knew her only other option was to just sit here, staring at the presents, until Louis and Eleanor came down.

“Fine…” She grimaced. Her little face wrinkled in impatience as she had a stare-down with the wrapped boxes.

I chuckled under my breath and headed to the kitchen. After 15 minutes, everyone was blowing on their steaming cups of cocoa, swirling the marshmallows around with their spoons… the exception being Liam; he demanded a fork. I never realized how serious his dislike for spoons was. Finally Eleanor and Louis joined us sending Lillie into squeals.

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