Chapter 58

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As I set my phone down I realized tears were streaming down my face. Clearly her words hit me even harder than I realized. Knowing Harry was still in the kitchen, I decided to go upstairs and cover up the evidence of my crying with makeup. It was humiliating to have anyone talk to me that way, let alone my little sister. I felt like a child letting it get the best of my emotions. They were only words… gut wrenching, unforgettable, painful words. I slipped my phone in my back pocket and began walking upstairs. 

“Hey babe, where are you going?" Harry called from downstairs.

I took a few deep breaths to ensure my voice would come out steadily, “I’m just putting my phone on the charger."

“Why didn’t you just put it on the one in the kitchen?"

Crap. “I… uh… needed to get something… and it was upstairs…" Smooth Lauren, very smooth. 

I heard Harry coming up the stairs. I flopped onto our bed and buried my face in a pillow. It’s a problem when that becomes your smartest solution.

“What are you doing?" Harry wondered as he sat beside me. He softly rubbed my back, waiting for an explanation. 

“Just tired."

“Since when do you sleep on your stomach?"

“First time for everything."

“And the truth is?"

I sighed, “My phone call with Lillie wasn’t great."

“What happened?"

“Let’s just say Lillie being sassy is an understatement."

Harry gently turned me over, exposing my face. 

To be honest, I never knew what to think of how emotional I’d become since I’d known Harry. A part of me saw it as embarrassing but maybe it was a good thing. I held all of my emotions in for years and it made life easier to let it all go sometimes. I didn’t hide my tears anymore… okay , I usually tried but Harry ruined my attempts. It was incredible to feel close enough to someone to cry in front of them because sadness is not an emotion I bare to just anyone. 

“What’d she say to you?" He wondered.

“Nothing I haven’t read on Twitter before."

“That bad?" 

I nodded. “She pretty much said I only married you for the fame and fortune. The worst part is she said it as if she truly believed it."

“Lauren, I know that isn’t true. She’s at the age where she might be getting Twitter accounts and reading magazines herself. If she is, then she is going to see those types of lies a lot. Lillie isn’t mature enough yet to pick through what is and isn’t true. She is probably going through a little rebel phase, but I’m sure it won’t last for too long."

“I know… it’s just… how do you feel about me not working?"

“Babe, you do work. Although the rest of the world doesn’t see how demanding my career is for the both of us, I know it is hard on you. You work plenty hard.

“But Harry she might be right… I bring in no income whatsoever," I realized aloud. Although I was only with Harry because of the feelings I had for him, I was technically using his money and I felt terrible for that.

Harry put his arms around me, squeezing tightly, “Babe, listen to me. I make enough for both of us. Don’t ever feel guilty for not having a day job. You spent years working harder than most people do in a lifetime. As a teenager you raised a child, worked, and managed school on top of that. Even now you still have a busy life trying to keep up with my career."

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