Chapter 10

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

A repetitive beeping sound entered my ears. I struggled to force my eyelids open and was soon blinded by fluorescent lights. I stared above me at the white, barren space and soon recognized it to be the ceiling. I slowly turned my head to the left, seeing a machine I assumed was regulating someone’s heartbeat. I looked down to see myself covered in a thin, white sheet. Eleanor rested her head next to me, her eyes shut tight. Louis was in a seat behind her, sleeping as well. A small nightstand lay next to me with nothing but a phone and drawers. On the other side of me was a higher level tray that held Eleanor’s purse. I wiggled, making sure I still had all of my limbs; Left foot, right foot, left leg, right leg, right arm, left arm, right hand, and left hand. All check.  On my left hand I also noticed a painful looking IV needle jabbing into it. I was not a fan of needles. I was also clearly not in a sane mind state at the moment as I tried to rip the needle out of my hand…

“Lauren… Lauren, stop!” Eleanor scolded as she took my hand. “IV needles aren’t there just to look pretty and oh my God… you’re awake! Lauren, you’re awake!”

Louis jumped, Eleanor’s high pitch squealing waking him.

“Lauren, you’re awake!” He shouted.

“I know!” I agreed, jokingly.

“Wait, the nurse said to get us if she woke up.” Eleanor immediately snapped back into her mature senses as she hit the call button, signaling the nurse to join us.

“Ugh, why’d you have to hit the button?” I groaned. A nurse would be followed by a doctor who would probably have painful procedures in mind.

“Because your health depends on it,” Eleanor said.

I continued to complain until the nurse walked in. “Look who’s awake!” She said as she entered.

What’d they expect would happen? I wouldn’t wake up… I stopped myself. Of course that’s what they thought. Whatever injured me was obviously bad enough to get me into a hospital bed.

“I’m Kelly, your nurse. Are you feeling alright?” Kelly introduced herself as she pulled out her medical tools, doing simple tests.

I answered as she took my blood pressure, “I kinda feel like I’ve been hit by a bus but other than that I’m fine.”

“Well, since you were hit by a bus I’d say you are doing pretty well.” She smiled.

“What? I was hit by a bus?”

“Don’t you remember?” Kelly asked, her face expressing nothing but confusion.

“Nothing,” I answered honestly. Harry and I were driving home from Mrs. Rolland’s… “Harry! Where is Harry? Is he okay?”

I spewed out questions as I attempted to get up. Instantly hands began holding me down, I fought against all of them. I revolted against their restraints until I felt something sharp enter me. After that everything went black…

I once again awoke to the annoying beeping sound.

“Why can’t they make that machine quieter?!” I complained as I opened my eyes.

Eleanor and Louis sat next to each other, sipping their coffee as they looked at me disapprovingly.

“Really? You needed them to put you out to stop your tantrum?” Louis criticized.

“It wasn’t a tantrum.”

“I distinctly remember you saying, ‘You stupid big meanies are so unfair. Give Harry to me now. You dummy heads are so rude. Give me him now!’ Do you consider that mature?” Louis scolded in a mocking tone.

I thought it over, “It’s not my fault I don’t swear and chose not to use a broader vocabulary throughout my insults.”

They both rolled their eyes, “Did you honestly think the way to get Harry was yelling at an innocent nurse? I think she is literally scared of you now.”

“Would you prefer that I apologize?”

“Yes.” They said together.

“Fine, but where is Harry?” I asked, getting back to the original point of the whole matter.

They eyed each other.

“Is he alive?!” I asked, slipping back into a panic state.

“Yes, yes, he’s alive. The thing is that he’s in a coma at the moment. They don’t know when he’ll come out… it could be today and it could be a whole lot longer. All we can do is hope, pray, and wait.” Eleanor explained.

I gritted my teeth together, doing my best to hold back the water works. A tear that escaped rolled down my cheek and Eleanor was instantly by my side. She held me in her arms as I began crying, “What if he’s not okay? What if he doesn’t wake up?” I continued with the what-ifs until I fell asleep.

I was officially sick of waking up to the beeping sound…

“Good morning.” Louis greeted cheerfully, the rest of the boys and girls surrounding him.

“How are you feeling?” Zayn asked.

“I feel more like I was just hit by a car today.” I grinned.

“That’s a plus I guess.” He replied.

“Can I see Harry today?”

They all looked at each other until finally Eleanor answered, “Yes. But he’s still not awake and we just don’t want to make this any harder on you…”

“It’s won’t make it harder on me.” I objected, cutting her off.

“Okay. Well, we have to call the nurse to get your medication anyways so she can tell us when you can go.”

“It’s a free country…” I muttered under my breath.

“Lauren Greene, if you make as much as one movement towards his room without her permission, I will…”

Louis put his hand over her mouth, smirking, “You’ll be in trouble. Let’s just leave it at that.”

“That’s all I was going to say.” Eleanor lied as he released her from his grip.

“Of course it was, sweetie.”


“He is right through that room.” The nurse directed us.

“Thanks.” I made my way to where she had pointed, the rest of the gang following in my footsteps. “Um, do you guys mind if I have a minute alone with him?”

They all nodded understandingly. I walked in, shutting the door behind me. As I got closer, I saw Harry’s pale face. His familiar curls had lost their bounce. The pink had faded from his lips. His weak, fragile body just laid there. I took his hand in my mind, lightly rubbing circles on it as a few tears escaped from my eyes.

“Oh Harry…” I whispered, trying to find the right thing to say… attempting to find the words that could make him conscious. “Harry, please wake up. Please Harry, do it for me. I love you. You are my everything and I… I need you. Just wake up, baby, please. Please…” I buried my face into his limp arm, my tears dampening his sheets.

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