Chapter 40

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“I am so happy to be home!” I exclaimed as we walked through the front door.

“Me too!” Harry agreed, pressing the button to close the garage door before following me inside. Harry reached over, taking my bag from me. “I’ll take these upstairs.”

“I’ll make us something to eat. What sounds better, fruit or chocolate?”

“That is solely up to you my love.”

I groaned, “I hate making decisions.”

“I know.” Harry chuckled as he headed for our room.

I yanked open the fridge door, sifting through out options. Apples, grapes, or strawberries and due to the lack of motivation to slice apples or clean grapes, I pulled out the container of strawberries. As the door shut I noticed a bottle of chocolate syrup. And just like that I became a genius! I took a bowl out from the cupboard and poured a good amount of the chocolate syrup into it. I set both the strawberries and chocolate dip on the counter near the barstools. Baddha bing baddha boom, chocolate covered strawberries… Lauren edition! Turning on the cold water, I held the tea kettle under it. Once it was filled to the proper amount, I set it over the stove waiting for it to boil. The whistling sound signaled it was time to pour the steaming water into our mugs. Each of our mugs had been decorated in a cute tea cozy. I was shopping one day and came across a set of four sock monkey tea mug cozies, each with a different colored hat/headband to differentiate between cups. They were absolutely adorable and I was unable to pass up the cute addition to my sock monkey obsession. Harry had the red banded one with its tongue sticking out and a goofy smile. I stuck with the pink banded one whose face carried a happy grin, trying to get my own face to mirror it. Since this morning I’d been plagued with terrible cramps. That dragged out the last two hours of the drive not to mention the frustration with having to continuously bite my tongue. During my time of the month, I’m not the most pleasant person to be around. Thankfully Pamprin makes me a little nicer, but I’ll still be unusually testy for the next few days.

“Ooh ooh, ah ah.” I gasped and my body jolted upwards as the monkey sounds came at me from behind. My hand had been grasping the cup when I jumped causing nearly the entire mug full of water to empty onto the counter as well as splattering onmy hand. I spun around to see Harry chuckling.

“Why did you do that?” I snapped as I brought my burning hand to my lips, attempting to cool it down.

“I was just messing around.” He said. He noticed my hand and apologized instantly, “I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were holding the cup. Did the water burn you?”

“I’m fine.” I mumbled against my skin. The sudden pain caused my eyes to water against my will.

“No you’re not, let me see.” Harry gently grabbed my wrist so he could look at my hand.

My hand was an intense shade of red and had a splotchy appearance. It started to blister and the pain increased.

“We need to run your hand under cool water.” Harry commanded. I twisted the knob for cold water on full blast and went to stick my hand under it when Harry stopped me. “Cold water is bad for the burn. You should only make it cool.” Harry added a dash of warm water, waiting until it was the appropriate temperature. Once the water was ready, Harry immersed my burn in it. “I’ll be right back. Keep your hand under the water,” He directed as he exited the kitchen.

A couple minutes later he came back with something in his hand.

“What’s that?” I asked.

“Gauze and aspirin.” Harry replied.

I rolled my eyes, “It’s just a tiny burn. It probably wouldn’t even be considered first degree.”

“It blistered which makes it second degree. Sweetheart, I know what I’m doing, don’t worry.” Harry reassured me. After 10 minutes had passed by, he turned the water off and loosely wrapped the gauze around my hand. Harry unscrewed the bottle of aspirin and poured a dose into his hands. He took a bottle of water from the fridge, removing the cap of that as well. I quickly swallowed the pills, hoping the relief they promised would kick in soon.

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