Chapter 77

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“Babe,” Harry’s warm breath hit my neck, sending goose bumps along the length of my arms, “It’s time to wake up.”

“No,” I groaned.

“If you don’t get up, I have a feeling your covers are going to be pulled off.”

My eyes squinted, giving Harry a cautionary glare, “You wouldn’t.”

“Oh, I would never do that. Your sister on the other hand is ruthless,” Harry grinned.

I looked down to see Lillie standing beside the couch, arms crossed as she tapped her foot impatiently.

“You people are evil,” I muttered, pulling myself up so I was perched against Harry’s chest.

Harry handed me a cup of coffee before tucking the blanket in around me as I sat in his lap. He nudged his nose against my neck as Lillie went into a story. By the bags under his eyes, he had been woken up by the same alarm clock.

“We had field day the day before I came here and we got to play at the big kids’ track! They let us play tag and sports and stuff. Then they tried to make me run so I explained to them the concept of conserving energy. Anyways, this older girl said I was extremely funny.”

“Why is that?” Harry asked, his chin resting on my shoulder.

“I don’t really know.” I took a sip of my coffee, expecting to hear a long, badly told joke. “She was saying how she sniffed Coke and I told her that was a very bad decision since Pepsi is way better.”

And just like that the coffee left my mouth.

“Ew! You spit on me! Now I have Lauren germs, yuck!” Lillie fussed as she wrung out her shirt.

“I’m sorry,” I apologized, wiping off my own blanket.

I looked at Harry whose face had turned a beet red from laughing along with Louis, Zayn, and Perrie who also got a glimpse of my little coffee accident.

“S-s-s-o g-g-great… o-o-h m-my G-g-od…” Harry’s face was buried in my shoulder as he tried to muffle his laughter.

“B-b-beautiful,” Zayn agreed.

“You all suck,” I hid my face in my hands, blood rushing to redden my cheeks.

“Of course you guys are laughing, you didn’t get spit on,” Lillie shouted, “You guys are such immature pelicans. Can you please act like adults?!”

Louis scoffed, “Lillie, we will never be adults.”

“That reminds me, guess what management told me that I forgot to tell you guys,” Harry said.


“Picture the Take Me Home tour…”

“The boys are coming here!” Louis squealed as if he were a child.

“Wait, who?” I wondered, confused at what all the commotion was about.

“5 Seconds of Summer. Ashton, Luke, Calum, and Michael. Please tell me you know what I’m talking about…”

“Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh. I love them! I can’t believe they are coming! I am like their biggest fan ever! Oh… my…” I stopped as I saw Harry’s expression. Clearly he was taken aback by my fangirling moment.

“So you hated One Direction but loved our mini me’s?”

“Don’t get me wrong, you guys are all lovely but those guys are mhm.”

“You’re kidding right?”

Forcing laughter, I replied, “Of course.”


It took a lot of effort, but I was able to maintain my cool (well, my sad, pathetic version of ‘cool’) all day. I kept my composure as I prepared for the concert, choosing an extra special outfit for an extra special night.  I wasn’t the only hard core 5 Seconds of Summer fan. While Perrie and Dani were busy with their careers, Katie, Eleanor, and I had a side job of our own. It wasn’t paid or known by anyone besides us three, but nonetheless, we might have accidentally become a part of the 5SOS family. Maybe if our boys did sound check a bit faster, we wouldn’t have fallen to the dark side. But on the bright side of the dark side, they may not have free cookies but a few of the health freak fans offer low calorie cookie recipes which are nearly the same. Harry will always have my heart, but sometimes eyes wander. I understand he’ll look at pretty girls (and he understands I will evilly glare at him while he does so) and I am sure he will understand when I drool over those Australian beauties.

“Hey guys!” I heard Louis shout, followed by the rest of the guys screaming various greetings.

“Hello!” I heard an Australian accent say.

“Psh,” I heard from behind the couch, “Lauren!”

“What the… Katie, what are you doing crouched behind the couch?!”

“One does not just meet 5 Seconds of Summer. You must make a lasting impression. If I hadn’t met Niall, I would be in a wedding dress white now with a ring to propose to Ashton so I had to make a plan B. Lauren, you are going to go spill this really hot coffee on one of them. Wait, screw that. Spill it on all of them so all four have to take their shirts off.”

“Katie, are you feeling alright?” I joked, mockingly putting my hand to forehead as if I was checking her temperature.

“I am not purposely spilling-“

“Hey Lauren, I want you to meet the four coolest Australians ever,” Harry introduced them as the four boys followed him in the dressing room.

My jaw dropped, along with brain considering it took a considerably long amount of time for me to recollect myself.

“H-hi, I’m Lauren. It’s really nice to meet you guys.”

“I’m Calum!” Calum Hood himself said as he pulled me in for a bear hug.

“Hi Lauren! We’ve heard a lot about you. Harry kind of forgot how to have a conversation without mentioning your perfection,” Luke said with a wink.

“I don’t do that,” Harry denied.

“So last night,” Luke said before switching to a deeper, mocking tone, “Stars are twinkly but Lauren’s eyes are twinklier.”

I giggled, saying hi to Ashton and Michael.

“Hey, Ashton’s girlfriend is here too so we thought your girls could keep her company tonight?” Harry said, wrapping his arms around my waist.

“Of course!”

“Not to be nosey, but is there a reason that girl is chilling behind a couch?” Luke asked, referring to Katie.

“Curbside couch chilling is the new thing. You just go behind a couch and… sit.”

“Okay…” Clearly Luke already doubted my sanity. Thank you Katie.

“Hey babe,” Ashton greeted the girl, whom I assumed to be his girlfriend, as she entered.

“Hi,” she shyly introduced herself, “I’m Ashley.”

“Aw, Ashton and Ashley sounds so cute together!” I squealed, forgetting to think inside my head rather than aloud.

Ashley laughed, “Thanks. I think we are pretty cute together too.”

“Hey, you guys are here!” Niall said, swinging in by the door frame. “The stage guys need us to practice some joint song thing.”

“That sounds boring. Well, by babe, I’ll see you later.”

“Have a good concert!” I gave Harry a quick kiss before the boys left, leaving Katie, Ashley, and I alone.

“Omg… that boy gets on my nerves,” Ashley said the instant the door clicked shut.

“Harry?” I questioned.

“Harry is perfect. Ashton on the other hand is a complete dumb ass. The good news is hopefully they can start touring with single guys who actually have money and looks.”

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