Chapter 48

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We tried to mentally prepare ourselves for his melting… but failed miserably. I was curled into a ball on Harry’s lap, my knees pulled up as I leaned against his chest, wrapped tightly in Harry’s arms.

“I’m tired.” I yawned as the credits began scrolling along the screen.

Harry chuckled, “Then go to sleep sweetheart.”

“Nuh-uh, I’m not that tired.”

I scooted down on the couch, my body sprawling across the cushions as my head rested on Harry’s lap. The warmth from the fire radiated, seeping into my skin. The glint of the flames lit up the entire room, a peaceful ambiance filling the room. I felt my eyelids get heavier, overpowering my will to stay awake.


I watched as her eyelids fell and she drifted into another world. I admired her beauty; her rosy cheeks, porcelain skin, how her nose scrunched up when she laughed, and those lips that left me in awe. It took all the strength I had to resist the magnetic force seeming to bring our lips together but I didn’t want to disturb her peaceful state. I smiled at my wife, innocent and vulnerable as she slept. I wish I could protect her from everything. Maybe now things will start to get better and easier. Lillie will be in our custody and we’ll be our own little family. I redirected my attention to my better half as her eyelids fluttered, signaling she fell into another reality. I chuckled as she gently fidgeted in between dreams, snuggling closer to me. I tugged down the blanket from behind us and draped it over Lauren. My fingers softly twirled her hair and an overwhelming feeling of peace lulled me to sleep as well.


The scent of fresh coffee brewing filled the cozy little café. College students fought their exhaustion with caffeine as they hurriedly typed away on their laptops. A few younger adults chatted in groups as they munched on pastries and sipped on lattes. Two of three middle aged adults modeling suits rushed in behind me, trampling over their own two feet as they reached the line in a flustered manner due to hitting the snooze button one too many times. I smiled at the hustle and bustle the morning brought the tiny coffee shop.

“Lauren!” Audrey waved me down. I blushed as the customers attention flocked to me. I kept my eyes on the floor as I shuffled towards her table. Her arms gently embraced me before she returned to her seat. I sat down in my chair, instantly noticing the briefcase beside the table along with the stack of papers on the table.

“So, what’s going on?” I urged. Small chat had its times and now was not one of them.

“Well, while reviewing Ms. Rolland’s will it was discovered that many years ago she designated a guardian to care for any children she would have. At this time, she believed her daughter, Halli Rolland, to be a close friend and wrote her name in the will. Although she does not have biological children in her custody, she was legally Lillie’s parental guardian and therefore if the courts see Halli’s family fit for Lillie, she will be put into their custody. I assume Ms. Rolland had no intentions of Lillie going to anyone other than you but since she had forgotten to update this section of her will, it’s what will happen. I’ve done my own research on the issue but haven’t found any loop holes around it. Unless Halli Rolland… or Johnson shall I say… refuses custody of Lillie, there is nothing more we can do. I deeply care about you two girls and if there was any possible way out of this, I would’ve found it. The court hearing is in 3 days. Here is all the information on it,” She handed me a piece of paper, “and Lillie is obligated to be there. Your presence is optional but I assume you’ll choose to attend.”

“So wait… to sum this all up, in 3 days Lillie will belong to her biological father who chose to abandon her and will be forced to live with his family? That can’t be legal.”

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