Chapter 39

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“I think I want to paint them pink but a part of me is screaming blue.” Perrie lay on her bed contemplating which color to paint her nails.

“Where are the boys?” I asked as I pulled myself into a sitting position.

“Eleanor, Katie, and you were still sleeping and the boys didn’t want to wake you. They left awhile ago, they should be back anytime now.” Perrie explained. “Lauren… pink or blue?”

“Pink with blue polka dots.”

“You’re creative… one of the many reasons I love you!” Perrie exclaimed as she applied a topcoat to her nails.

“Ba la za wa…” Ed babbled as Danielle walked over and sat on my bed with him in her arms. “Ze ve!” He screamed before flashing a gummy grin. Little Ed was wearing a “DADDY & I AGREE MOMMY IS THE BOSS” bodysuit with his chubby little legs poking out looking as cute as ever.

“This little man talks and talks and talks…” Danielle said, ending in a high pitched baby-talk voice.

“I know! He is just the cutest little thing there ever was.” I agreed in an equally squeaky voice.

Danielle gave him his teething caterpillar toy which he happily shoved in his mouth, concentrating on giving it all equal love and occasionally looking up to scrunch his nose and smile at us.

“I’m ready to go home.” Danielle said.

“Me too.” I agreed.

“I love coming with the boys but it is so tiring. Honestly, I have no idea how they do it.”

“I know, at least we can sleep through signings and interviews.”

“Exactly. The thought of having to be alert and talking the whole time… that’s just torture.”

“I know. It’s crazy!”

“What’s crazy?” Katie asked, popping her head out from the top bunk.

“Being sleep deprived.”

“I know… don’t you just hate that?” Katie agreed. Danielle and I giggled as she returned to the comfort of her blankets and pillows.

“I am sleeping for the next 16 hours…” Harry loudly groaned from outside the bus door.

“I’m sleeping for the next 18.” Louis said.

“That’s what I meant.” Harry mumbled, thumping his head against the side of the bus as he waited for Niall to get the door open. As soon as the door swung open, five tired boys piled in. Niall joined Katie in the top bunk. Zayn wiggled in behind Perrie and buried his face in the pillow. Liam threw his head on the tiny kitchen table and Danielle joined him, rubbing his back as she balanced the baby on her other hip. Louis climbed above my bunk and flopped down next to Eleanor. Everyone sighed in comfort. Harry walked over and enveloped me in his arms, pulling us both into a laying position on the bed. I lay on his chest and lightly traced patterns with my fingertips on his chest until I put myself to sleep.


I awoke to Lauren’s soft breathing, hey eyelids fluttering as she dreams beneath them. A smile spread across my face as I watched her in her most innocent state. I pulled up the blanket, making sure my baby was warm. I stretched my neck until my lips reached her forehead. The corners of her mouth turned up slightly before she returned to her sleepy, unconscious state. I kept one arm wrapped tightly around her and put the other over her hand that was resting on my chest. I gently caressed it, warming up her cold little fingers that had been exposed to the cold air during the duration of her nap. I stretched out my legs and her chilly toes chased mine, begging for warmth. I softly rubbed her back, drifting back to sleep.

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