Chapter 69

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"Lauren, what the hell do you think? My wife isn’t going to be with me for three weeks because she is taking care of someone else’s kids! All I ever hear is how caring you are, why can’t you be selfish for once?!" Harry shouted, his face reddening in anger.

"Really Harry? You are mad at me because I’m caring. What is wrong with you?"

"You are always helping someone. You either offer to watch someone else’s kids or you are taking care of Lillie or looking after Katie."

"Harry, if you want me to apologize for trying to help the people I love, it isn’t going to happen."

"If you loved me then you wouldn’t spend the next three weeks playing house with Perrie."

"You know what Harry, I can’t handle you right now. I would hate to be selfish and take up bed space," I huffed before storming to the couch.

I huddled beneath a blanket on the couch, shivering from the frigid night. I was a bundle of emotion, furious and devastated all at the same time. Harry shouldn’t have reacted the way he did. But at the same time, I had two nights, including the current one, left with my husband until he’d be away from me on a bus for three weeks. I know that some wives have it harder, but that doesn’t make it any easier for me. Tears silently streamed down my cheeks. Why did Harry have to get so mad? Why did I leave the bed? How am I going to get through three weeks without him by my side if I was already missing him?

I wiped away the tears with the back of my hand as I rose from the couch. I took deep breaths as I folded the blanket, steadying my emotions. I flicked off the lamps before retreating to our bedroom.

"Ow," I said as I bumped into Harry’s chest. His arms enclosed around me as he let out a light chuckle.

"You didn’t want to sleep alone either?" I shook my head. Harry pulled away slightly, his fingertips caressing my face as he examined it closely. “Were you crying?"

"No…" I lied.

"I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to yell. You’ve always been one to put others before yourself and I shouldn’t have gotten mad at you for being… well… you. I was just angry at the situation. So are you ready to go selfishly take up space in the bed?"

I giggled, “I sure am."

I nestled into Harry’s chest, his chin resting on top of my head.

"I’m really going to miss you," I said.

"Damn Lauren, why do you have to be so caring?" Harry asked with a chuckle.


Harry gently stroked my cheek.

"Look at me." I tilted my head upwards, struggling to catch Harry’s gaze through the pitch dark room. “Promise we’ll talk to each other every night. I don’t care if it’s too late because a lack of sleep is worth hearing your voice."

"Of course!"

"And every morning?"

"Now you’re pushing it," I joked, “Of course."

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