Chapter 26

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Danielle and Liam looked at each other before their cheeks flushed with pink.

“We’re together again.” Liam answered.

All of us girls squealed, the sound causing the boys to groan.

“Okay, you have five minutes to get in a car before my ice cream offer is off the table.” Harry called from upstairs. Everyone scrambled to go get ready, or at least presentable to eat icecream. I walked to the bathroom and brushed my hair, deciding I cared more about comfort rather than style.

Once we finished our icecream, Lillie dragged Niall, Zayn, and Perrie to the putt-putt course. Eleanor and Louis pushed Baby Ed on the baby swing set, his giggles filling the park. Liam and Danielle cuddled on a bench nearby, talking and laughing. Harry intertwined my fingers and took us to the swings. I sat down and Harry walked behind me, gently pushing me higher and higher into the air.

“You can swing too if you want.” I offered, looking at the empty swing next to me.

“I’d rather push you.” Harry said.

“If you have any plans to do that underdog thing where you push me super high… forget about it.”

I stretched my neck to eye Harry who was smirking behind me. “No promises.”

“Harry, I’m serious.” I warned.

“Me too.”

“Not funny,” I rolled my eyes as I hopped off the swing, walking over to Harry. I wound my arms around his waist, standing on my tippy toes so I could press my nose against his.

“Come here shorty,” He placed his hands on my thighs and lifted me up. I wrapped my arms and legs around him.

“I’m not that short.”

“You’re 7 inches shorter than me.”

“Maybe you’re just really tall.”

He lightly pecked my lips, “I’m happy you’re short. I like being able to cuddle with you whenever I want.”

I tightened my grasp around Harry’s neck, pulling myself closer to him. “I like that too.”

His lips grazed over mine before he let me down, his arms still surrounding me. He ran his fingers over along the length of my arms as his eyes gazed into mine. I put my head against his chest, listening to his heart beat.

“You know it only beats for you, right?” He mumbled into my wavy hair.

“What?” I asked confused.

“My heart,” I smiled at his answer. Not only did he always know what to say, but he always meant it.

“You know my heart only beats because you’ve saved it from completely falling apart.”

“I’ll always be there to pick up the pieces and put them back together.”

“Puzzle pieces?” Lillie questioned as she skipped over to us.

“Something like that,” Harry chuckled as he picked her up.

“I’m taller than you!” Lillie bragged as she towered over me.

“Okay long legs, let’s see if they’ll help you win the race to the slides.” I grinned.

“What? Hey! You’re cheating!” She shouted as I took off for the slides.

I heard large feet clumping the ground, giggles following behind me.

“Get her!” Was the last thing I heard before I became the bottom of a human pyramid… not exactly a comfortable experience.

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