Chapter 59

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The street lamps provided a faint glow on the sidewalk as we strolled through the park hand in hand. Harry pulled us towards a large tree near a light, setting down the pizza box before laying out a blanket. I let out water bottles drop to the ground before joining Harry on the ground.

"It’s kind of creepy here at night," I noted as I looked up to find a full moon in the clear night sky. I shivered as the wind howled through the trees, crawling up my skin.

"Scared of monsters?" Harry smirked as he took a bite of pizza.

"No," I half lied, “It just feels weird."

"I’ll protect you babe, you have nothing to worry about," He reassured me. Harry draped his arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer.

"So if a vampire jumps out at this very second, you’ve got a plan?"

"You’ve clearly seen Twilight too much," Harry chuckled.

"I can’t deny that," I admitted, “where are you going?"

I watched Harry as he tore off for the playground, shouting for me to hurry. I stood up and ran through the darkness, using his voice for guidance.

"Ow," I said as I flew forward.

"Babe? Where are you? Are you okay?" Harry asked worriedly.

"I found the teeter totter," I muttered as I stood up from the ground.

"That’s… Good?"

Finally I found Harry, thrilled to be in his arms. He slowly guided us downward into a sitting position on a thick piece of metal. Harry directed me to lay back and bend my knees. Slowly the platform began to spin, revealing it’s identity as a merry go round.

"I haven’t been on one of these in forever."

"I know, me neither," Harry agreed, lying down next to me, “Here, put this in." I took the earbud from his fingers, placing it in my ear as the music began. Ron Pope’s ‘Perfect For Me’ began.

We spun round and round, hand in hand as spun round listening to a playlist filled with Harry’s incredible taste in music. As the tunes dwindled down, their peaceful melodies had me drifting in and out of sleep.

"I think we should leave," I suggested in a sleepy haze.

Harry’s foot dragged on the ground, bring us to a stop, “I agree."

He helped me to my feet, putting a supporting arm around me as we grabbed the remnants of our pizza picnic.

"I’m exhausted," Harry said through yawning.

"Why don’t we take a 10 minute nap before we go home?"

"Sounds like a plan." Harry started the car and turned up the heat before snuggled up to me.


"Babe, it’s time to get up," Niall whispered, nudging me with his nose.

"No," I mumbled as I pulled the covers above my head. I. Hate. School.

"Look at the bright side, in less than 8 hours I’ll be picking you up from school."

"More like prison," I snickered.

"I almost forgot, your uniform is-"

"Woah woah woah," I interrupted, “what uniform?"

"They aren’t that bad, it takes the guesswork out of getting dressed in the morning."

"Pretty soon the fence will be lined with barbed wire," I muttered as I stood up.

Huffing and puffing, I dragged myself into the closet. I inspected the plaid, grotesque looking uniform in front of me. I yanked on the knee high socks, nearly meeting the knee length skirt. I slipped on the rest of the material, by ending appearance resembling just another private school clone.

"Aw babe, you look-" Niall began as he entered our room.

"Don’t say it," I groaned.

"Babe, you look too cute to not make a comment." Niall reached his arms out, pulling me into a bear hug. I’d be bear hugging too if I wasn’t going to school.

"If I suddenly got the flu, would I be able to stay home today?"

"Not a chance."

"Fine," I mumbled as I went downstairs. The table was covered with a mouthwatering feast of scrambled eggs, crispy bacon, and fluffy pancakes. This looked delic-

"Sorry babe, no time for breakfast or you’ll be late. We have granola bars on the counter though."

"Yippee," I said sarcastically. I wrenched one from the package before joining Niall who was already in the car.

This was going to be a very long day.


I squinted my eyes as the bright light shot through the window. After my eyes adjusted, I looked outside to see early morning joggers alongside a rising sun. Did we sleep here all night? We sleep here all 

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