Chapter 71

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"Only two weeks left babe!" Harry informed me over the phone.

I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, bringing myself to a sitting position, “Wow, it feels like it’s only been a month!"

"Okay Mrs. Grumpy Pants, what has gotten in to you?"

"Nothing," I sighed, “No sleep, no eating… It’s been a blast."

"Babe, why haven’t you been eating?"

"After blue twin puked in my mouth yesterday, I kinda lost my appetite for awhile."

Harry laughed, “I guess I can understand that. Isn’t a baby’s mouth cleaner than a humans?"

"That’s a dog’s mouth Harry."

"Why did you color code the babies?"

"They are exact replicas of each other and I am too tired to think about who baby is which. I mean which baby is who… Gosh, I’m really tired," I groaned, lying back only to have my head smack into the wooden head board.

"Aw baby, I’m sorry. I wish I was there to give you a hand."

"It’s okay. Two weeks, right?"

"I can’t wait to have you in my arms again."

"Mhm… The twins are crying again. I gotta go!"

"Where is Perrie?"

"She went to pick up diapers."

"You said that last time you texted me three hours ago…"

I stood up and walked towards the garage, throwing open the door to see Perrie, mouth hung open and eye sealed shut, legs sprawled across the passenger seat.

"Perrie must’ve got trapped in the car," I said sarcastically, “I have to go babe. I love you, bye."

"Love you too babe."

I hung up the phone as I walked towards the car, lightly tapping on the window. Perrie stirred only enough to bury her face deeper within the seat. I had a feeling she wouldn’t be budging anytime soon. Groaning in defeat I headed to the kitchen, grabbing two bottles before retreating to the baby room. The babies wailed as I entered, screaming in hopes of hydration. I picked up both twins, each in a separate arm as I fed them their bottles. I was utterly amazed at how mothers picked up this talent so fast. It took me 6 days to get this down and even now it was one in every ten feedings that I managed to successfully feed both babies at once. Once the little ones were fed, I took them both downstairs, praying their bottles wouldn’t fall on the trip. I laid both twins on the couch cushions, separately placing each one in their baby bouncer before turning the contraptions on. I turned on Apple TV, syncing my iPod to play through it. My fingers flitted along the screen until I came upon my playlist of all time favorite songs. Once the music was setup, I returned to the kitchen to make dinner.

"She’s a good girl, loves her mama," I sang into the spatula. “Loves Jesus and America too…" Ingredients… Ingredients… Chicken… Potatoes… “She’s a good girl, crazy ‘bout Elvis…" Chocolate chips… “Loves horses and her boyfriend too."

"Lauren, why are you putting chicken and chocolate in the same pan?" Perrie questioned suspiciously from the doorway. I looked down into the pan, quickly realizing multitasking wasn’t one of my best talents.

"New recipe," I answered with a laugh.

"Sorry, I fell asleep," Perrie apologized.

"So did I but Harry woke me up."

"Zayn just did the same to me. So you color coded the twins I hear?"

"Blue booties is Archie and green booties is Max… I think."

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