C H A P T E R 1

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I walked out and away from the building in silence to avoid showing others an inappropriate emotion for this kind of a situation. The case was closed, no murder weapons found, no fingerprints unknown, no broken or stolen items. It was a suicide. I knew it the whole time, even when they asked me as her roommate, closet friend, if i knew what happened to her, i had just lied and told them i was out when it happened. And i was, but she left a note, that's what i didn't tell them.

It was a Tuesday night, taco night. It was my night to get us the tacos, so i had headed out to Taco Bell. I had noticed she was a bit down that day, but i didn't ask her about it. I should of. I had arrived at the Taco Bell drive in and began to order to our food when i received a text from her. I held the bright screen to my blue doe like eyes and read the text quietly but aloud to myself, "On the fridge." I thought to myself of what that could mean but the window next to me flung open revealing a man in a Taco bell shirt and a cap that looked a little inappropriate for him to be wearing to his job. I doubt he even cared.

Not even replying back to the text i set down my phone on the seat besides me and pull out my wallet to get ready to pay. "Thatil be 23.50$ and a sweet lady to ride home with tonight." He flirted at me causing me to let out a huff of laughter. "Here's you 23.50$." I said while handing him my money through the windows. He snatched the money, silently counting it up through his shades he wore. After counting the money he gave me a huff and asked, "And?" Giving me a cheeky but warm smile waiting for my response.

"Nah i think that's it." He let out a childish whine and a pretend sad face when handing me my food. I gave him a smile and wave before driving off, i noticed out of the corner of my eye he gave me a wink when driving out onto the highway. Driving home with a sense of happiness flowing threw my veins i looked over at my food to make sure it was all correct, that's when i noticed he had stuck a white sticky note on top of my drink that had a phone number on it and had also read, For the sweet lady. I giggled at what he had wrote and continued to drive not even bothering to check the rest of the food.

When i arrived at the base of the apartment i grabbed the food and headed up the stairs until i reached our door. Pulling out the spare keys i unlocked the door that had apparently been locked and walked inside, shutting the door behind me i walked into the silent kitchen and set down the tacos when i noticed something on the fridge. I carefully walked over to the fridge and saw it was a note that had Rachel's handwriting on it. I read it allowed to myself quietly and shakily. "Dear Sara, By the time you are reading this, it will be to late. I am dead, i couldn't take it no more! You would be better off without me anyways, just know that you are my best friend, my roommate, almost like a sister. Hope you share the tacos with someone special. Rachel Brawly." by the time i was near the end tears had all ready ran down my cheeks, hitting the floor with a silent splash.

I ran around the apartment turning on lights and looking around every inch of the place for her until i reached the bathroom. I stared at her lifeless body before dialing in 911 into my phone and sobbing to the police that my roommate was dead. After the police said that they were on there way i silently walked into my room that was dead silent and wrapped my self into a bean shape with my blankets. It was quiet, to quiet. So i poured all of my feelings into the air to break the silence.

I continued to sob in my blankets until i heard the front door open with the sound of police men fill the air with their talking and investigating. I had all ready shredded the note she wrote into little bits and threw them down the toilet, so i didn't expect them to find anything. They found me in my room and dragged me out of my bed and into their car to take me so they could get answers. i allowed them.

And that's what happened all in one night. I decided to declined the police officers offer for a ride home and just walked. They had tried to protest but i eventually won and began my walk home, alone. Then just to perfect the mood it began to rain, no it didn't rain, it dumped cats and dogs on my exposed body parts. I eventually reached my apartment and stepped into the dead place and walked to my room to sob in my bean blankets again. For many months i sat alone in the apartment in silence barley eating, rarely going out and running out of money. I knew that i needed a new roommate.

Lucky for me the owner of the apartments had sent me a letter today about it.

I slouched on the couch and began to open the letter carefully, i read the letter aloud to myself in a a colder voice than usual. "Dear Miss. Keeli, we are proud to say that we have found a new roommate for you to live with, they should be arriving around Saturday 3:45pm to unpack, so clean up and greet your new roommate with respect. Thank you, The Office." I looked over at the clock to see that the time was 1:23pm, good im a slow cleaner and this place was a mess so i had time.

I turned on the radio to distract me from my sad thoughts and started cleaning until i heard a knock.

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