C H A P T E R 33

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All the memories from last night came flooding in like a waterfall pouring onto me. Poor Tyler, he hit his head pretty hard on that wall, i felt partially guilty so i helped get an ice pack. My tired body picked its self up from my comfy bed. Only two more days until its the weekend. Two more days until i finally get to see one of my favorite bands live for the first time. Two days until i can make Ollie and Tyler happy again. Two more days until the concert, i told my self. I still needed to tell Ollie, i hope he can get me some tickets, otherwise i need a back up plan.

I get ready quite fast but half asleep at the same time due to getting only four hours of sleep last night. I waddled over to Tyler's room to see a drooling Tyler sprawled out on his messy bed. I smiled to myself, knowing that really deep down he was a sweet boy who only wants to protect the one he loves, and now he lost the one he 'loved'. Which in some cases is good like knowing he's not being dragged around by a bitch, knowing that this makes things better between him and Ollie, and knowing that he will feel more comfortable around another girl, also known as me. I look over at his desk which has his lamp turned on, I gasp and sneak over to turn it off when I notice a little notebook flipped open to a page with words scribbled down on it. Me being the curious cat, I slowly turn the lamp off and read just a snip-it of what is written down.

I can sign a song to tell you how I feel, how deep down I just deal...

But before I could read any more I hear the sound of Tyler's groggy voice fill my left ear. "Sara?" He speaks with his eyes closed whilst hugging a pillow close to his bare chest. I let a slight giggle escape me, earning a crooked smile from him. "Yea?" I answer quietly. Not a moment later Tyler begins to rub his eyes so he can see me clearly in front of him. "What are you doing in here?" He asked whilst stretching his arms. "I was turning you're lamp off." I answered truthfully. "Oh sorry, I forgot to turn it off." He apologized whilst beginning to get up from his spot.

"Its okay, but I've got to get going so I'm not late for work." I say whilst beginning to walk out. "Wait." I hear his still groggy voice speak. I turn my head and wait for him to talk. He hesitated for a moment and then just shook his head, "never mind, its nothing. You should get going." I nod my head and walk out into the hallway and down into the lounge. I don't even bother with breakfast, knowing I don't have the time and skip out the door into the sun beaming rays of light that instantly warm me up.

I arrive not long after and am greeted first by an excited Quinn. I'm not even sure what's going on but I'm instantly pulled away from where I was and dragged across the shop towards the set of drums I was just playing on yesterday. She stops me right in front of them and then turns towards me. I show my thoughts through my brows by giving a confused look. "What are you doing?" I ask. She clasps her hands together and let's out a little squeal.

"Are you blind hun?" She asks whilst putting a hand in her hip. Sometimes she's over dramatic, but that's what makes me love her more. "I'm pretty sure I have perfect vision, why?" She let out a giggle at my answer. "You got to be kidding me. Hun you are one of the luckyest girls I know." I give her a questionable look. "How?" She stops giggling at stares at me blankly. "You really don't know?" She let out s sigh and then continued. "Only the hottest French guy here talked to you, wait no, he flirted with you!" My mouth instantly dropped to and o shape. "He's famous?" I questioned. She nodded her head up and down. "Yes he's from that one band DangerZone. The singer, you know?" I gave her a guilty look. "I don't really bother to look at what the bands actually look like, I save that for concerts." She rolled her eyes. "Well you're lucky girl, anyways get back to work." She said whilst walking away. I rolled my eyes and then thought about how he, meaning the French dude apparently, gave me an offer to come and play in the shop. But knowing he was famous changed the perpection. My gut twisted with anxiety, and then I remember what he gave me. The drums sticks and a hat. How could i not after he gave me some wonderful things? I had to make up my mind before work ended so it wouldn't be too late.

So I spent most of the day working and deciding on what to do. But the choice all fell down, I would come back, tonight, and play. But since my anxiety trys to stop me, I can use my hood to ease it. So I had headed back to the flat.

I walked in to a lovely warm smell coming from the kitchen, did Tyler really cook something for dinner? I peeked in the kitchen to find two plates sitting on the table, one empty and one full. I walked over to find a sticky note on top of the full one with the same hand writing as the one in the notebook this morning.

Dear Sara,
Sorry I'm not here, I headed over to Ollie's to hang but I made you some dinner!
Sincerely, Ty.

It shocked me, everything about this did. He used the nickname I gave him, he made me dinner, and he's not here. I smiled to myself and then munched my food down.

And let me tell you, it was good.

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