C H A P T E R 8

19 2 1

"H-how?" I asked with a shutter in my voice. How did i get sick? I barley ever go out. I looked over at Tyler who was rubbing his forehead and angrily staring into his phone. Ollie looked over at the doctor who had just walked out and then at Tyler before answering me. "We n-need to talk, No wait you and Tyler need to talk." He said still slightly crying and walking out of the room to give us space. I looked over at Tyler who was staring at me but then turned away back to his phone. I waited for him to talk when he finally had shut off his phone and walked over to my bed, He carefully and surprisingly leaned onto the bed next to my somewhat numb legs.

"Okay, i-I'm only sticking up for you in this situation because Ollie forced me to, but." He let out a short and exhausted sigh. "Remember the night i came over an you fell sleep on the couch and then woke up on your bed?" i nodded and continued to listen, he looked down at hind hands that were clasping onto the bottom of his shirt that looked like it hadn't been washed for days, you could tell from the stains that looked somewhat fresh and old from food. "Well do you remember anything that happened that night after you fell asleep?" I shook my head only remembering voices that belonged to Tyler and Ollie, "Wait, i remember another voice other than yours and Ollie's." I finished my thoughts aloud. "Oh, really?" He questioned but knew the answer. I nodded thinking about if i could remember anything else, i wasn't a heavy sleeper so i should remember something other than voices. "Do you remember anything else besides voices?" I shook my head to soon before i realized that i did, i remembered a girl.

Her words were soft, only around Tyler, so i had assumed that it was Jen. Every time Tyler would look away from her she would turn her body facing me and glare at me while adjusting her hair blindly. I also recall her nicknaming Tyler many times 'Tiger Poo' and Tyler tensing up when she did, which was a lot. I only could remember one scene I had with her, I could tell she and the boys were drunk, but me, i would never drink because I hated the smell. But I felt sleep high anyways and had partied with them as we all played truth or dare, Jen suggested to do spin the bottle but the boys agreed with me for truth or dare, I could tell she was pissed. We had played for an hour or two before my ninth turn had came, Jen asked truth or dare, of coarse I said Dare, it wouldn't be as fun if it wasn't. She had a large smirk on her cake face and told me the dare without hesitation.

"Sara, I dare you to go into the bathroom and take a shower with your clothes on." Her laugh was sinister but I saw no harm in her dare so I accepted and had strolled over to the bathroom, I checked my phone for the time and it read 2:36am, flattered by the time I slid my phone on to the counter in the bathroom once I had stepped in. I looked at my clothes in the mirror, I was just wearing some sweats and a tank so I was fine with getting them wet. Before I could walk over to the shower I heard the bathroom door creak open, and in popped Jen. She gave me a wide grin and came in slowly closing the door behind herself, not taking her eyes off of me she locked the door and slowly crept over to me. I backed up to the bathtub not letting her get any closer, but then I slid back into the tub and fell in on my butt. I heard her cackles of laugh she tried to hold in and then camera shutter sounds. I felt embarrassed she used my very own phone to take embarrassing pictures of me.

Then she threw my phone on to the counter and began sneak her way over to me. I remember a container and some sort of a needle like thing in her hand before eyes closed on me. Reality came back to where Tyler still sat next to me, but this was different, his hand was on my back rubbing it in circular motions, this reminded me of how Ollie had done the same to me when I fell to the floor. Tyler saw I was done spacing out and flinched his hand back to his side. "I-it was J-jJen" I croaked out as tears formed in my eyes blocking the clear view I just had. I wiped the tears away as I heard Tyler's shushing for comfort, could I be helping Ollie already? I looked over at Tyler who was biting his lower lip, I knew he didn't want to know the truth but he had already known what a shame Jen really was, he had already known from when they first met. "Im sorry." He bursted into tears. I let him lay his head on my shoulders as I felt tears soak through my shirt and on to my skin.

I placed my hands on his back, he didn't flinch so I comforted him with soft circular motions. His body relaxed and unhooked from mine. He instantly wiped his nose and let out a sniff afterwards. He then did the thing I really liked about him, he squinted his brown honey drizzled eyes with tears streaming out if them. For once I thought we had a connection, no I was being silly, he hates you so you hate him. My face frowned and turned away from him, I felt his body weight shift closer to me. Then Kevin walked in, "So Misss..." He carried the s out for a few second before complaining for Tyler to get off the bed. "Anyways Miss Keeli, you are going to have to stay on this medication for a month and you will be released in just a few days, also make sure to only take two pills every day, use water incase you think you will choke." Kevin demanded while handing me a bag with a bottle of pills in it. I nodded my head as he walked right out the door, at the same time Ollie came back in with red puffed eyes and a few tissues in hand.

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