C H A P T E R 47

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I can feel Quinn's eyes burning a hole through my skull from the other side of the room. Why was she being this silly and upset about this? I'm even starting to forget why she's pissed at me in the first place! Miley called in sick so it's just me and Quinn today, yay. It's only been an hour and she still hasn't done a single damn thing around here. My blood boils with anger. I can't control my temper anymore so I stomp over to Quinn who's probably counting my footsteps and yell at her, but not to loud because there were a few customers in here. "Are you going to do a damn thing around here or stay pissed at me and watch me from a far like I'm some sort of duck your feeding?!" She stares at me blankly as if I'm speaking another language. Then all of a sudden She bursts out into laughter. I watch her as she almost falls off her chair laughing.

After calming down a bit and wiping the tears from her eyes she gets up and squeezes me into a massive bear hug. "Oh Sara, you gotta be kidding me." She says letting go of me and shaking her head as if I'm some sort of embarrassment. "What are you talking about?" I asked full of confusion. "I'm proud of you." She says tilting her head in awe. I raise my eyebrows in total confusion. "Uh, proud?" I ask wondering who drugged her. "Yes!" She tells me as if she was never pissed. "Huh?" I continue to try and process what's going on. "Never mind, I'll tell you some other time, wanna go get some coffee?" I shrug, "Tea." I respond as we skip out the door. "Don't worry, one of our co-workers is keeping an eye on the place." I nodded my head as we traveled down the pavement until we reached the same place were me and Mikey got our drinks that one time.

We made small talk, catching up on each other's life's and narrating people from afar. It was a great time until we came back to the shop were I saw good old Zach walking around the shop. I felt paralyzed in place but needed to just make it to the other side of the shop without being spotted. I hurried past the cd shelf were he was and quickened my pace with every step, until Quinn pulled on my arm, causing me to stumble back on my feet. "What's the rush? You loving this job that much?" She giggled at her own words before letting go and walking over to a few customers that needed some help. "Sara!" I heard a familiar voice call from behind. I bit my lip and turned around slowly. "Hey Zach" I giggled nervously. "Hey, how's it going?" He said slowly walking beside me with one arm in his clean hoodie and the other hanging loosely down. I yawned, "Just catching up on sleep and working my ass off. What about you." I noticed now a smile had been lit up on his face this entire time. "Well, I was stopping by here to see if maybe you had been sick or something, but..." He hesitated to move his lips. "Would you like to go on sort of a date with me?" He realized what he said and shook his head. "As friends, you know just to get to know each other?" A smile crept up onto my face. I turned to him and buried him into bear hug. "Yeah sure." I said with glee. "Tonight?" he said in the hug. I nodded my head as we continued to talk and chat whilst I worked around the shop until it began to get late out.

We had said our good-byes and I hugged Quinn on the way out before running off out into the streets.

My breath shaken as I reached the apartment. What if I make a fool out of myself? What if he never shows up? What if- I was interrupted from my thoughts as I stumble over a crack that should get fixed near our doorstep but catch my fall. I shake off the feelings of pins and needles and open up the front door to reveal a tired Tyler laying on the sofa with a bowl of popcorn in his lap, untouched and cartoons flashing up on the screen. I try to not make any noise and scurry over to the hallway and down to my room. I only have an hour to get ready which is a pretty good amount of time and decide to dress casual but add a little bit of black nail polish for once. I sort of regretted the nail polish after realizing I had a habit of chewing on my nails every time I felt nervous or scared so I kept my hands close together and threw a black jacket on to cover my hands. I wasn't really scared for him to see my nails, just sort of embarrassed that I still had a habit from like 7th grade still going on.

I recheck myself through the mirror and pose, regretting even looking at the mirror I judge myself and pick out the things I hated about my appearance. Some people say I put no effort into my beautiful look, but really I can spend hours trying to make myself look at least presentable for the day.

I turn away and open my door up out into the hallways and slowly tip-toe to the lounge where Tyler begins to wake up. I freak out and hurtle for the door but I know I'm too late when I hear the sound of a groggy Tyler coming from behind me. "Sara! I've been wanting to watch a movie together, I even made popcorn for us!" He said excited as ever whilst holding the popcorn towards me. His face fades to gray As he realizes what's going on. "Oh, never mind." He says whilst turning away towards his room. I'm paralyzed in place. I don't know what to do so I run out the door.

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