C H A P T E R 21 Tyler

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I didn't know how to respond. How could I respond to my best friend 'crushing' on the girl that I was drooling over? I just stayed silent and gave him a weak and slow nod. He rubbed his hands together and got up to leave. He walked out of the room while shutting the door, as if he was expecting that I would be staying in her room, I guess I was because the moment he left was the moment I got up and went back over to her desk. I pulled out her little chair and managed to sit in it, although I was very skinny, I just was pretty tall. Only an inch taller than Ollie who was about an inch taller than Sara. I silently laughed at my own thoughts and began my journey through her little desk. I didn't bother to check the boxes since I knew what was in them and never wanted to see it again, I needed to do something about it though. I changed my mind and instantly dug through her jewelry box in search for her mysterious little key. When I finally found it, I pulled it out and staved it into the other box.

A I twisted the key in the small hole it made a small click sound and opened right up. I knew what I was there for in that box and was determined to finish my task. I shuffled through all the little photos, drawings, notes and other stuff I reached the thin and brittle blade that looked quite clean but knew that this little blade had seen things I didn't want to even think about. I closed the box after pulling out the knife-like blade and stood up. I walked over to her bathroom that was connected to her bedroom and pushed it open, i hustled over to the toilet and before I knew it the blade was down the pipes in the toilet. I felt proud for getting rid of one less problem and went back over to the desk to continue my so called 'research'. I sat down on her little stool and brushed my hand over everything until a small spiral notebook caught my attention. I picked it up, pretty thick and looked very used. I flipped to the first page, the first thing that caught my eye was in big letters at the top that read, ''Notes".

I began scanning through the page to come to a realization that Sara had took notes about becoming a musician. I knew this girl liked music but I didn't know that she was a musician. Did she have a band or was she a soloist? Did she even play or just kept this to herself. These thoughts stirred in my head when I heard the door behind me creak open. I thought it was Ollie so I turn to face the door. Nope, it was Jen. I let out a quick sigh soon covering it up with a cough as she gave me a discussed look. Why is she even here? Did Ollie let her in? Before I could let my mind wander into thought I greeted her out of no were, "Uh hi." My voice was quiet but easy to pick out, my voice wasn't the best considering it was in between deep and high and usually had a crack to it as if I were about to break out into tears any second. She gave me a nod in response and walked towards me, sat down on Sara's bed and patted a place for me to sit next to her. I at first hesitated but slowly got up and sat next to her, unaware of what she was here for.

She gave me a weak smile before sighing. "Tyler, listen I'm so sorry I've been not the best lately, so I wanted to make it up to you." Her smile grew wider. "Well Jen I need to tell you som-" and at that moment my world began to spin in circles. As I tried to speak my words but she had grabbed my face and smutherd her rough lips all over mine. Before I could push her a way it was to late, I haden't even heard the front door open until Sara came walking into her room as she watched me and Jen 'make-out' on her room. I pushed Jen off of me and gave her a nasty look as Sara gave both of us a confused but disgusted look. I could tell shevdudnt really know what to say so I spoke up. "Jen, my room. Now!" I spoke, almost yelling. Jen gave Sara a glare and stormed off to my room. "Sara i-im sorry I didn't know you got off so earley-" Sara instantly cut me off. "First of all this is my lunch break and I came to grab my phone charger, second I don't know why the hell you were in my room, not to mention making out with Jen in here. I'm just going to grab my stuff, I'll see you later." Her cold words were spoke and nothing I could say would help in my defence. I watched as she grabbed her charger and left the room, leaving me to another problem. Jen. I let out a long sigh before bursting into my room full of rage.

I close the door behind me as Jen sits on my bed watching me throw a temper tantrum. Almost all of my feelings pour out of my mouth as I speak. "What the hell Jen?.." She gives me the puppy eyes but I've had enough of this shit. "Jennifer, I know that our relasonship just isn't working, you know that to." I could see the tears in her eyes. "J-jen, I'm breaking up with you. Please just go." I haven't even noticed that tears were coming out if my eyes, and they weren't from breaking up with Jen. They were from my stupidity of letting Sara have to see that. Jen darted up in tears and ran out the door that followed the sound of the front door slamming shut.

It was over, I was free. A new me. Right?

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