C H A P T E R 26 Tyler

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I watched from the window, Mike practically drooling all over her. It makes my guts wanna turn inside out and all around, it made me want to throw a chair, but it made me jealous. I had never really been jealous before so this was pretty new to me. I could sense something was off about this 'Mikey Boy' just from the looks of him. He played the innocent act but it didn't rub off onto me. I could see through his skin, what really was under those thick scales that hide all his lies and sins away. But I saw the way Sara looked at him, the way she treated him with respect and kindness, the way she didn't treat me. I mean I'm fine that she does that because with all due respect, I deserve it. I deserve every word or object thrown at me, I deserve her hatred attitude shown towards me. But what i don't deserve is her love, and I need her love. That's the problem, I need to change my dick-like ways and make it up to her to win her trust and respect back. Not like I ever had that, but I need it.

Her boots clanked up the very few steps to our door and the knob turned. She popped her head through the door and then came inside, shutting the door so none of the chilly night air would freeze the apartment. She threw off her stuff near the door and walked over to Ollie who was fast asleep on the sofa. She played with his hair before pecking him on the cheek and walking off to her room. My jealousy rose like batter in a cake. I could see myself right next to her as we kissed from time to time, passionately, watching movies or just laying in each others comfortable presence.

I sighed and walked over to Ollie's lost in sleep body and just sat next to him. Thinking about what I should do to fix this. To fix this stupid mess that could have been solved from the start. But no, I had to go and shit it up. My mind pondered for many hours, that I didn't even notice it was almost one in the morning. I yawned and laid back on the sofa, staring at the ceiling with Ollie's snores filling the room. I closed my eyes but sleep wasn't taking me tonight, no it was planning together a puzzle with my mind. They fought over what this broken body could do to rebuild itself. But just at the moment an idea and bloomed like a flower. A real smile made its way to my face, I couldn't hold it back. I was just finally happy that I might be able to fix this catastrophic mess I've created. I never told her, but that one day when we took her to the hospital, she knew them. She knew Catastrophe. It made me happy enough that she loved most of the bands I followed, but this was different.

I needed to talk to Ollie about this. Wait I can't, I forgot he as well has a love for Sara just as I. But who could I talk to? The first thing that came to mind was him, Mikey. But how? If I could barley stand looking at him, how was I going to use him as a 'wing-man'? Maybe I could give him a second chance, and who knows. Maybe he doesn't like Sara. But something in my mind told me no, he is competition. I would just have to see how everything falls into place.

If talking to this Mikey dude meant I could finally show my real and true self and feelings towards Sara, then so be it, I would do anything. Maybe Sara has no interest in him. Everything came down to Maybe this, or, maybe that.

By the time I had realized my mind had trapped me in a room, teaching me the plans it was already five in the morning and the sun had began to rise. No sleep, I'm fine with that, people can deal with my grumpy attitude today. But Mikey, I needed to win him over to my side now. Was i taking this to far? Was Sara really worth the trouble? The sleepless nights? The jealous pain? The competition? The questions roamed my head and before I knew it, I had grabbed my jacket and began to head for the door. But I stopped, I turned back around and with out hesitation, I walked down the hallway and into Sara's room. Her bean shaped body rested silently on her bed as her cheek squished against the mattress underneath. Her slight movements were so sudden and cute.

I walked in ever so quietly, forgetting about privacy. My hand made its way to her hair, her soft red hair that sparkled in my hands. It was so calming just to see her sound asleep, wrapped in a pile of blankets and pillows. Her natural flushed cheeks that she always tried to hide were showing off to me as my hand made its way to her face. I wasn't a pervert but I was confused. My confusion distracted me, forcing me to walk out of the room and back into the lounge. Ollie still laid, soundless and asleep on the sofa. I smiled, my best friend was now my competition. The thought caught me off guard as I picked his almost as brittle and skinny as my body, off the sofa and into my room. I rested him on the bed and walked back out into the hallway. Her room was only inches away and her door was halfway open just like how I had left it before. I crept in, not fully but enough to get her once again resting in her bed. She was an angel who had a demon in her, I was going to fix her. Rebuild her broken parts and wounds. I smiled to myself once more and walked back to the lounge for the third time, I walked over to the door. Opening up into the morning chilly air.
I thought to myself, Yep She's the one, and slipped out and away just like that.

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