C H A P T E R 34

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After feeding myself the delicious food, I got myself ready. I put on dark color coordinated set of clothes, a hoodie, black skinny jeans, and a pair of grey vans. Not to forget the Beanie he gave me, it would be rude to not put it to good use, plus it was a bit chiller out a night than it was during the day. I guess tomorrow for sure I would need to talk to Ollie about the tickets. But for right now I needed to go see the French guy, who I still didn't know the name of yet.

Racing out the door, I see how much darker the sky has become since I had arrived at the flat. A cool breath escapes my lips in hope I'll reach a warmer tempature soon as I walk down the pavement in the direction of the shop. This time I can still see people out with there cars and bikes, I just pull my hood over my beanie but enough to where I can still see what's in front of me. Cars pass by and people wave from a distance, but I'm not distracted. This is what I pass until I arrive at my destination.

The shop is once again brightly lit up, but this time I check for cars in the side parking lot. I unfortunately see a few cars parked in the lines that had once been freshly painted there to prevent chaos. But that's beside what I'm here for. My right hand pulls its self from the pocket of my hoodie and swings open the front door to be welcomed by the scent of dust, or something really old. The first thing that happens is I'm greeted by the French dude. "Mon Cher, glad to see you took my offer, I even have a friend here who is dying to hear your talent." I slowly puled my good off and see another man with ginger-like hair and a fresh looking personality on him. He held out his hand and I gladley shook it. "I'm Andreas, but you can call me Andy. Zach here said you were quite talented on the drums." I nodded my head and then turned to this supposably named Zach to find him caught in a nervous habit of scratching the back of his his neck whilst looking at me. "Sorry I forgot to introduce myself properly yesterday, but I'm Zachary, obviously friends call me Zach so which ever one you prefer."

He also said whilst waiting for jw to share his hand, so I did and answered back. "Well nice you meet you Zach and Andy, I'm Sara." I stuffed my hands back in my hoodie's large pocket before pulling out the drum sticks that Zach gave me yesterday. They both let out a smile, "So maybe you can show show Andy your mad skills. Right? I mean that's why your here right?" I nodded my head and then skipped over to the backroom to see the same cruddy drums sitting all alone in the corner, but it won't be for long.

I instantly made myself at home on the stool and waited for the other boys to come trotting in behind. Soon enough they did and I felt the anxiety gut me in the stomach, screaming at me to pull my good over my head. It was a natural habit, so I did. Andy have me a funny look before giving me a smile which made me even more anxious. I took a deep breath and have my muscles a little stretch before beginning.

Before I came over, I had watched a few YouTube videos of drum covers. It was quite easy to understand and get the hang of it even if you just have a pair of drum sticks and a table near you. I could feel the beat as I began to beat against the drums and symbols that made a familiar sound that I bet they both knew. Each hit sent a vibration and a sensation down my spine, stretching and screaming for me to never stop, but I knew better than to keep us there all night.

The last hit echoed through the room before it errupted in a small applaud. "Holy shit, Sara did you get somehow better over the night or what?" I heard Zach chuckle out. I didn't answer I just nodded my head resulting in a light laughter coming from them both. "Well Sara, you should make this a regular thing, maybe we can get you a bigger audience?" I shrugged my shoulders, unsure about how that sounded. Then a hand popped put from no where in front of me, wanting to help me down from the set. "Mon Cher, I do wish this to bevs regular thing, one so I get to see that pretty face of yours..." He said while slowly pulling off my hood. "...and two, I wish to see more of your lovely talent, who knows, you could possibly be something big with it." I nodded my head as he walked me out to the front if the shop as Andy walked into the employees office whilst yelling, "It was nice meeting you Sara, wish to see you again." I nodded my head, remembering that he couldn't see me I yelled back. "Yeah, It was nice meeting you. Bye." Zach gave me a sweet smile while holding my hands up to his lips. He softly pecked them, resulting in a red tomato replacing my once pale cheeks. "Mon Cher, it was great seeing you again." I gave him a soft smile as he released my hands, meaning I could go back to the flat to get some sleep. I left with a wave and trotted back to the flat, exsausted. When I enters the flat I walked straight to Tyler's room to see if he was back. To my suprize he was, and he was fast asleep.

"Good night Ty."

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