C H A P T E R 42 Tyler

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I hope this has cleared some things up between us. But the night isn't over yet. I smile as I pull out of the parking lot of the place we just ate at and into the highway. I could hear her slight yawns from the seat just beside me, letting me know she was tired. "Somebody's tired." I comment while driving towards our destination. She slowly nods her head whilst looking out the window. I turn my head only for a second to look at her and can spot out all the perfections on her. No not perfections. Flaws that only define her for her. Something I love about her.

I turn my attention back to the road, as we get closer I can feel the caffeine wearing off from earlier. A yawn comes from me as i pull into a dirt trail that leads up. I can see her eyebrow furrow as we take an unfamiler turn, but she doesn't say anything about it. The silence is cut when I suddenly stop. I slowly get out as does she. "Where did you take me?" She asks with a yawn. "I'll show you." I say holding out my hand.

She gives me a tired smile and gladly takes my hand as we both trail up the hill. Her tiny warm hand holding onto mine, it made everything perfect. The sun had already gone down and the stars filled the mid-night black sky with light. We got to the top and her smile became brighter than the stars above. It wasn't like we could see the whole city from up here. But we still could see the wonders of the world around us. Still hand in hand, we sat down on the patchy, almost dead grass around and gazed at the floating bulbs of light.

"Ty-" she started but I cut her off realizing I had forgot something. "Hold on." Her face turned to confusion as I jumped up and trotted off back down the hill and into the car. I opened the door and crawled myself in, digging around for what I was looking for. I smiled as I spotted the black bag and snatched it up, crawling back out I shut the door and made my way back up the dirty looking hill with the bag in hand. When I reached Sara, she spotted what was in my hand and was even more confused.

I let out a huff as I instantly sit down on the grass and face the beautiful red head who sat just in front of me. I pull an old guitar out from the bag and prop it in front of me. I look down real quick at the old thing and remember something.

A string is broke.

I freeze in place, unsure of what to do. I take a deep breath to calm myself. I set the guitar to the side and rub my hands together as Sara tilts her head, still confused.

A soft croke-like voice comes out into a solo. "Are you afraid, to Perl off my disguise?..." I begin to get further into the song. Not opening my eyes or else I'll loose focus and flake out. The musical voice comes out weak and strong at the same time, I barley am able to finish it. My last words flow out like a flood. Effecting but quite devastating. I slowly open my eyes up and can barley see the look on her face but I can surely notice the tears coming from her almost grey eyes. She trys her best to wipe the tears away.

"Ty, i-i don't k-know what to s-" I once again cut her off from her struggles to speak by wrapping my arms around her, as if I needed to protect her from the world. I quietly give her shushes and calm words to sooth her cries. "Thank you so much." She says after her cries stop. I let go to face her tear stained face, her makeup smeared but I really didn't care. "Ty, i-i don't know whst to say. That was the best thing anyone has ever done for me. First you treat me very nice back the apartment, then you treat me nice even when I'm being a snob, then you sing me a song as one of my favorite bands, then take me out to an expensive restaurant, and now this? Try, t-thznk you do much." She says leaping back in my arms. "You deserve all of this." I say so she doesn't hear. Her warm body snuggled onto mine, it couldn't have been better. Or could it? No I can't go too fast, nor too slow. I need more time, I need to wait.

We watch as the sky grows more dark and our body numb from the cool breeze. "Hey, Sara, ready to go?" I question as I get a slow nod from her. She slowly gets up and struggles to walk but can get down the hill just fine. I follow after until we both make it to the car. We get in, I pull back out into the highway and down the road. The car ride was silent, a good silent. A comfortable silent. The street grew dark with the exception of the lights all around, but the roads were striped down to nothing. No other cars were around. Only a few that would pass, but they mostly contained drunk adults and teens that you could see from the way they drove and the lights were usually on inside. I looked over to the passenger seat to see that Sara had fallen asleep. Her soft and almost silent snores files my right ear with a melting feeling. Everything about her made Me Want to melt on the spot. I finally could spot the apartment only a little ways away. Suddenly I could breath. The world felt fair. "I love you." I whispher out a cool breath whilst pulling into the parking lot.

And I meant it.

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