C H A P T E R 27 Tyler

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My feet carried me across the boiling hot pavement and down towards the record shop.

Do it for Sara.

A voice in my head repeated over and over. I panted like a dog as I soon came to a stop when reaching my destination. My tired legs waddled inside the homey store that made a slight smile appear like a magic trick, on my sleepless dead face. I was instantly greeted by the same gal from last time, Quinn, I remember from her name tag. "Hello there sir, looking for anything specific today?" She seemed quite happy from the way she asked me. "Well actually, no. I was looking for someone by the name, Mikey." I looked around while telling her my request. "Do you know where I could find him?" Her smile grew more as she clasp her hands together. "Yeah he's in the storage room, you can go see him now." I nodded my head and began to walk to the counter she had pointed too. "Oh wait." She almost yelled out from behind me. I turned around and she began to whisper in my ear. "Don't you dare hurt him or you can deal with me." Her voice was low and sinister but I knew she only wanted to protect him.

I nodded my head and began my journey back to the storage room. My steps became heavier every inch I came closer to the room. I had seen Mikey go through this door several times like it was his very own room. To me, it was a gateway to social anxiety. I slowly walked in, slightly hoping he wasn't here, hoping he had left without Quinn and gone home sick or something. Nope, I first saw his black shadow, casting over the Greg unpainted floor, and then his focused body. He was hovering over a pile of CD's, trying to reach a CD on top of a shelf. He made grunting noises while his finger tips dangled in the air, trying to grab at the CD. I wasn't quite sure what to do so I attempted to clear my throat. Before he could turn, his fingers bumped the CD, causing it to fall down onto his head. He rubbed the spot on his blonde hair and then looked up at who ever caused that. Sure I felt guilty, but maybe he deserved it, in my point of view.

He lowered his hand down to his side and crawled out from the mess underneath him to greet me. "Hey. Tyler, right?" He asked hold out his hand that was bigger than mine. I wasn't short or anything, I was just a skeleton. I firmly took his hand and greeted back. "Yea. Mikey, right?" He nodded his head and then lowered his hand back to his side. "So, what do you need?" He said then moving back to his work but completely listening to what I had to say. I took a deep breath, feeling every nerve in my body just want to freeze.

I didn't exactly plan on what I was going to say. Why would I do that to myself? I just needed to quickly think. "Uh... You know Sara?" I said, stalling time for me to think. I heard his light chuckle escape his lips. "Yea, she's cool. Why?" Although he couldn't see it I smiled. Maybe I do have some hope, maybe he doesn't really have deep feelings her. "Well, I need some advice." Those words left my mouth like a cheese trap had set off in my brain. "Advice? On who, Sara? Man I barley know her but she is amazing." I nodded my head though he couldn't see. "Year her, but i-" I cut myself off avoiding draining out what my mind had to say. "Well actually I was thinking that we could talk about this at my place since your her friend I'm sure she wouldn't mind." I was pleading in my head for him to say yes but at the same time no. "Actually sure, I've got this afternoon off so around two? Ill come over." He said now looking up to meet my gaze. I nodded my head and began to walk out feeling to many emotions all at once.

I felt a wave and wash if relief when I saw Sara on the other side of the shop, focusing on some signed band posters. Just looking at her from afar made me want her to be mine. When I saw her stand up from her spot and began to turn I instantly darted out the Record Shop and down the pavement. The wind blew through my hawk that I still was growing out. I felt good, maybe things would fall into place just right for me. Sure I might have some ups and downs but that's what makes me human, its what makes me alive.

it didn't take long until I made it back to the apartment, and when I did Ollie was all up and active. Did he have to much coffee this morning? Or maybe one too may red bulls? Whatever it was it really made him jumpy. When I spoke his body jumped and his eyes widened. I was starting to worry that maybe Ollie already is ahead, that he's doing his victory dance for winning over Sara. Is that why she kissed him? Or hugs him? Oh don't forget about that night they slept in the same bed together. The more I thought about this, the more jealous I became. I just wanted someone who understands me, someone who will care for me, someone who will be there for me. Someone that I can be there for them . Someone I can cuddle. Someone I can love until I die. Someone who will always be by my side. Someone who laughs at my stupid jokes or references. Someone I can change in front of. Someone who share the same interests as me.

And that someone, is Sara.

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