C H A P T E R 36

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Today has been overall quite tiring. Quinn started to ignore me when I told her I was going to wait until I got to the concert to finally see the band's faces, and I sure wasn't gonna let her show me before it came to Saturday, so I just ignored her as well. I'm not sure why but my mood changed drastically as soon as I walked out of that place. Maybe I'm not cut out to work there. Who knows. I let out a heavy sigh and strip off my jacket along with my beanie that I've recently became more attached to.

I look over and see Tyler and Ollie watching some movie, Tyler looks over his shoulder to glance at me before jumping off the sofa and running up to me. "Hey how was work?" He csusually asks. I'm not sure what came over me but I snap like a twig. "What's it to you?" I mumble whilst walking to my room. I can feel Ollie burning a whole through me as I walk out if the room. My hands began to feel shakey and my breaths became slower and slower as I reached my door. After everything he's been doing for me I treat him like shit? Who am I? I question myself whilst slamming my door shut and crawling into bed. I can't feel anything, I can't feel emotions, I can't feel clean, I can't even feel the salty tears that riple down my cheeks and onto my bed. I'm such a jerk, maybe I should go apologize. But before I could even get up the door opens with yet another slam to it. I don't even bother to look to see who it is, quessing its Tyler to come and yell at me for being a stuck up selfish brat.

But I hear Oliver's voice. "What the hell Sara?!" He yells at me from across the room. I feel my tears pour harder. Not because he's yelling at me, but because I'm a selfish horrid freak. "After the nice things he does for you, you treat him as if those moments never happened?!" He already read my mind so I just stay silent. "I'm sorry." I whispher out with a slight crack to my voice, making me seem pathetic. He stopped and hesitated with his breathing. He let's out a sigh and comes over to sit on my bed.

He puts a hand on my back and whisphers, "I-i guess you've just had a stressful day." I nod my head now turning to face him, but avoiding his eyes. I must look like a mess, like a monster, especially with the red glossing over my eyes and tears staining my cheeks, and the worst part is that I forgot to take off my makeup before sobbing my heart out. Or what's left of it. But before I knew it, I was engulfed into a hug. I sniffed into his shoulder, not letting any running snot getting onto his shirt.

"Ollie, I've been meaning to ask you this for a whilst." I suddenly bring up, now that I have the perfect opportunity. "Yeah, what is it?" He asked pricing me in the eyes. "I need two concert tickets please so I can take Tyler to a Catastrophe concert this Saturday, I bet it will make him feel better and closer." I explained, realizing how weak I now sound. He looked at me for a second with a blank stare, I could tell gears were thinking in his brain, then his face suddenly lit up with joy. "Oh of coarse, I bet he will love going to their concert since he is such a huge fan." A smile lit up on my own face as I clasped my hands together and engulfed him into another hug. We both giggled until I realized why he was here in the first place. "Hey Ollie?" I looked up into his pricing green eyes that seemed almost like contacts since the green is so rare. "Yeah?" He looked into mine. "I think I'm going to go apologized to Tyler for about eailer. Okay?" Why was I asking? He's not my mother.

"Oh yes, I think he's in his room." He said laying down on my bed all the way. I giggled and stepped out of my room quietly. I closed the door and made my way over to Tyler's room where I heard sniffling. Oh god, did I make him cry? I thought whilst slowly tapping open his door that made an annoying creak sound. His eyes darted over to mine then back to the floor that he sat apon. He was curled up in the corner of his room with red puffy eyes like mine and a blanket around him.

I walked over, making sure to shut the door, and sit next to him.
"Hey." I whispher out whilst holding my legs up to my chest and hugging them tight. I looked at him as he mutters out a small hey. "I'm, sorry. I'm such a selfish jerk, I just felt horrible, which is a poor excuse, and you decided to be my first victim." I continue to stare,noticing all his small features, the way the corner of his eyes crinkle along with when he scrunched up his nose to sniffle. Then he turned to me, with his soft brown eyes. Guess what he did, he hugged me. He swallowed me in his shaking arms and sniffed. I pulled him up and took him to his bed to hug more comfortably. I knew I owed him more than just a concert, so whatever he wants is okay with me. We later down on his bed still linking arms and huggng each other. It was the most comfortable sleep I've ever had. I didn't even mean to fall asleep but it happened. And I fell asleep with Tyler in my arms, this soft doe that needed a lullaby.

I was his lullaby.

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