C H A P T E R 29 Tyler

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I tried to focus on my breathing, but it was quite a challenge due to a special someone who was never out of my mind. The whole apartment was silent. Ollie had left to go talk to a friend about an hour ago. Mikey was suppose to come over soon, and I was sprawled out on Sara's bed. Its not weird, I just think better in her room. Plus her bed smelled just like her. My thoughts were snapped out of when I heard a knock coming from the front door. I'm guessing it was Mikey.

I got up, stretching my pale and tired arms out and walked out into the lounge. I trampled over to the door and opened it up to a joyful looking Mikey Boy. "Hey man, come in." I said, I bet he could tell the tiredness In my voice as he stepped in. "Make yourself at home on the sofa." I said whilst walkng to my room to grab my phone. After shoving the device in my pocket I made my way back to Mikey who was still sitting on the sofa. I could tell he felt nervous, but why? "So, man..." I started whilst sitting on a chair across from him. He looked up at me and cut out all the surrounding's around. "I need to ask you some questions." He nodded his head, still listening. "This might get a little personal, you dont have to answer but..." I took a deep breath to stall time. "You and Sara, you guys seem, well, close." I said, careful of my words. "Uh, yea. Uh well she's cool but. If you like her then yea that's cool, I'm not into her like that so don't worry." Its like he read my mind.
"Oh, yea I didn't want this to be awkward but yea I do in fact have feelings for her. I just, get jealous so I wanted to clear things up between us." A weight was lifted off my chest. He nodded in agreement and laid back like he had to get that out of him to be accepted into my likes. "Well man, maybe we should hang out sometime and maybe I'll stop by the shop more." I said feeling a sweat of nervous rise. "Yea, that sounds cool. If you need any help, like If you need me to be your 'wing-man' then sure. Anything for someone like you." He said getting up. I got up to, to help him out the door. "Yea, thanks man. Oh and here's my number." I said whilst running over to the kitchen fridge that had a small little piece if paper with my number on it. I came trotting back to him and handed him the paper before saying my good-byes. I closed the door and felt the world begin to rebuild its self for me. I walked back into the hallway and into my room, feeling exhausted as ever. The day was coming to and end and so was Ollie who arrived not long after Mikey had left.

"Hey man, you look happy." Ollie came in to hand me a Dr. Pepper. I didn't answer. I was to tired to speak. He laid beside me on my huge bed, I could hear his breathing. "Who was that?" Was his first question. My closed eyes opened up to meet a gaze with thevceiling above. The room had gotten darker since Ollie came home. Time fly's, doesn't it? Why can't I slow it down. My thinking causes a slight sigh from Ollie as I relise that I still haven't answered his question. "A friend." A light chuckle came from Ollie as soon as I said that. "I'm glad to hear that you actually went out and made a friend." His words made me chuckle back. "Never thought I could make a friend?" He didn't answer but I knew what he would say anyway. He got up no longer and left due to the sound of the front door opening at closing. I still laid there on my bed, listening to the voices of Sara and Ollie bouncing through my ear drums.

I couldnt quite tell what they were now talking about because they seemed to lower their voices. Not long after Sara had jumped into her bathroom to take a shower, the water hitting against the floor of her shower was quite loud for me to hear. I could then hear Ollie's steps get closer and closer to my room. He came walking in with a bag of skittles, my heart felt like it had dropped rock bottom of my chest. The only words I could get out were, "Did she-" efpre he cut me off. "Yea, she won't tell me what happend though." He made his way to my desk and sat down on my chair with the skittles in hand. "Dude I'm, I'm worried." He began before ruffling with his hair. "She deserves better than to have to deal with that." I could tell he wanted to pour his whole soul out about her but something was stopping him. I still would respond. "Um, man can you give her these I need to get going." He said getting out of the chair and walking over to me to hand me the bag. He tossed the bag next to me and walked out of the room, and out of the apartment. Just like that.

At least I had an excuse to go back into her room. I lifted myself off my bed, realizing that she had already gotton done with her shower, so i decided to go and give her the skittles. She probably needed medicine but Ollie just told me to give her the skittles. I walked out into the hallway and down until I reached her room. Only inches away I knocked on the door, I could hear her groan from the other side. "Come in." She said, and Just like that I opened the door.

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