C H A P T E R 9

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"Ollie, come here." I said with an obvious crack in my voice. Ollie didn't nod he stood there for a few seconds before walking over to where Tyler was sitting and pulled me into a hug. His once tensed up muscles came to a relaxation onto my shoulders. "S-sSara I know that only known you for a few days but..." Ollie whispered into my ear with an unstable voice. "But y-you feel like my younger sister that I need to protect and..." His words tailed off into his head but I didn't mind.He felt like I could be his sister?

I ran my fingers gently threw his messy bed hair, dont take that romantically, remember he said I'm like a sister. That seemed to calm him down, deep down inside I'd him he knew that his best friend had done this, sure it was Jen. But Tyler was responsible for her actions. Ollie was still determined. I glanced over at Tyler who watched the hugging ceremony go on, he had a cute smile plastered on his face but soon turn to a frown when he saw me looking at him. I mouthed words to him that made him shake his head, come here and comfort him. He sighed and rolled his eyes while getting up to come and help comfort Ollie. Tyler sat on the other side of Ollie and patted his back, I gave him a frown signaling him to comfort him better than that. This time he didn't hesitate or roll his eye or even sigh, he just wrapped Ollie into a warm hug. I sat there on the bed watching the two love birds hug when Tyler pulled on my arm wanting me to join. I wrapped my arms around the two boys and let out a smile and sigh.

Ollie had spent most of the day with me, helping with most of the stretching exercises that I had to do to help un stiffen my stomachs muscles. He was so caring for me asking after every stretch if I felt okay, I just told him that I felt fine but he seemed to not believe me. Though I believed myself that I was fine, some how I knew That i wasn't. Something was bothering me, but what? Even after the stretches Ollie didn't stop, he opened doors for me, he helped me walk around to avoid any pain and helped me into bed that night. He and Tyler both slept on the couches that were too small for them but they did it so I wouldn't be lonely. Ollie once again didn't sleep that night. Why did he do this to me? I wanted him to get sleep, so as quietly as I could I lifted the warm covers off of my sweaty legs on set my feet onto the cold floor, every step sent a chill threw my body as I got close to the tired Ollie. He was facing the wall of the couch and making patterns out of the fuzz on the wall of the couch.

His legs hung off of the end of the short couch and arms stiff but relaxed. I hovered a little over him, making sure he didn't see me but then he turned his body to the ceiling and jumped to my surprise. His face was confused and scared for a second trying to get his eyes to adjust to the dark and understanding who he was looking at, I let out a smile. His lips then curved to a smile on his naked face that had little hair on it. "Sara? What are ya doing? Go to sleep." He said rubbing his emerald squinty eyes. "I saw you were awake and wanted you to go to sleep." I answers honestly. He sighed looking over at the almost hidden in the shadows clock that constantly ticked. He sighed and turned his attention towards me, "I'm just worried for you, are you feeling any better?" He tried to switch the topic. "Ollie, I'm concerned for you just as you are for me, now please just get some sleep, I don't like it when your tired, well I do but..." I mumbled the last part leaving him to figure it out himself. He pulled the covers of the blanket up to his face and squinted his eyes like Tyler did until he let out a sigh in sleepiness. "Fine, ill go to bed as long as you promise that I won't wake up to you gone." His voice cracked at the end of his sentence while tugging at the end of my sweater that I had changed into after grabbing a snack yesterday. I nodded my head and pranced over to my bed, I jumped in and closed my eyes. Feeling the darkness take over my body I whispered out the last few words that came out of my thoughts. "I promise Ollie."

I woke up to a quiet morning, a few chirps from birds out side of the nearest window and distant dog barks from the alley ways and sidewalks. I still almost forgot that I'm even in a hospital right now. I just can't wait to get back home and into bed while the boys do what ever they want. I yawned and attempted to stretch my muscles but felt a warm hand hold me back, I looked at the hand and then at whoever it was and a smile lit up on my face. "So how are you feeling Miss Keeli?" Kevin asked staring right into my eyes. Was there something on my face? I thought to myself while looking away from him and yanking the covers over my head. I'm just to tired to even think right now. "Sara? Ya okay?" I heard Ollie's soft and groggy morning voice come into play. I lifted the covers off of my head and realized how bad I made this look. Kevin was standing besides me with a hand on me while I had been hiding under the covers. I nodded my head as surprisingly I felt warm arms wrap around my waist. I looked down at the hands,
they weren't Ollie's or Tyler's.

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