C H A P T E R 49

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We arrived shortly at the nice diner and Zach helped me out of the car with a warm smile. We walked inside to be greeted by a sweet lady who showed us our seats and was to be at our service for the rest of the night. Handing us our menus, the lady paced over to more people who needed their order to be taken.
I turn away from the distraction and to Zach who's across from me looking through his menu. "This is a very nice place." I commented looking down at my menu. He nodded his head, "Yes it is a nice place, I've gone here before with a few friends." I smiled, "nice, I'm barley ever out of the house so I don't usually go to places like this." We chuckled at my sad life as our waitress came speeding over. "Are you two ready?" We nodded our heads and gave her our orders and soon she was off again. Zach gave me a grin as I was lost in space but I instantly felt his eyes burn a hole through me and asked him, "What?" He chuckled. "I was just thinking." I nodded my head as we continued to make small talk until our food was delivered to us. As soon as the waitress left the table Zach began to get my attention. "Hey uh Sara, the reason why I wanted to invite you to this "date" is because I need to propose to you a question." His face began to turn bright red and his foot began to thump repeatedly under the table. He took a sip of his water and took a deep breath. "W-would you like to
come on tour with me and Andy?"

I almost choked on my water but swallowed it down trying to process what words just fell from Zach's mouth at the same time. I felt my cheeks burn and my throat knot up. He butted in, "I know it seems a bit last minute because we leave in two days but I need you, our drummer quit the band and you seem to be able to do the job. It will last 4 months, please Sara." I thought, my brain felt like it was going to explode right on the spot. I choked on the knot in my throat, "only 4 m-months?" He nodded his head.

I took a deep breath. "You know what, yes. I've always wanted to do this, I can't say no." We both got up from the table and wrapped each other in a bear hug. People stared but we didn't care. We finally let go and sat back down to eat the last bits of food on our plate left. I couldn't stop smiling and shaking from how excited I was. Not only do I get to follow my dreams, but I get to hang out with two awesome people at well. But just as I thought about that Tyler and Oliver jumped into my head.

I would have to leave them for 4 months. I could still Skype and text right? I hope that if I leave they wont forget me, or move on from me. Why must I think about these things? It only makes me feel worse. But I should be happy, I get to do what I've wanted to do for years. I must be happy, not just for myself but for Zach and Andy. I don't notice that Zach has been trying to get my attention when the lady takes my plate and walks off. He chuckles at my mishaps and waits for me to get my stuff gathered until we head outside into the nighttime cool air. Walking over to the car I feel as if I'm being watched. I shake the feeling off and hop inside the passenger seat, waiting for Zach to get in. Soon enough we are off and down the highway jamming to music. We made small talk when the music went quiet and jumped around in our seats when the music blasted into our ears. It didn't take long for us to reach my apartment Sadly so we had to part our ways.

Zach was a good guy and really sweet about dropping me off, we said our last words until we were to part for the night. "I'll start packing some things I'll need tomorrow and then say goodbye to my fellow friends." He nodded his head. "I'll see you then, drummer girl." I shook my head and started my way towards the dimly lit apartment. I felt rather sad leaving Ty and Ollie, they were my closest friends after Rachel's death and now I leave them for 4 months. I deep another deep breath and feel my pace slow when I once again feel as if I'm being watched. I turn around to watch Zach pull out and off with a wave goodbye. But I can't even think about waving back with this feeling being attached to me like a leech. I slowly move backwards towards my apartment, all most tripping on the steps I walk one by one slowly up. My hands begin to shake and my eyes begin to search for light since the sun had gone down a whilst ago. I finally feel myself reach the top step but slowly turn around facing the front door, if my mother was here she would say, "This door needs to be decorated." It was decorated once, but I took them down and never put new ones up.

   I pull myself together and turn the door nob until it clicks open without hesitation. I push the door open slowly to reveal a dim tv turned onto cartoons and the kitchen light dimly turned on. I step inside and see no sight of Tyler but walk into the kitchen to turn the light off when I see a small bouquet of Daisy's. I feel my heart flutter as a little sticky note is stuck on with the my name on it. I peel the note off and see its from Tyler.

  Now I feel like a jerk.

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