C H A P T E R 19

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I woke up to a silent morning. I opened my eyes to a surprise. It was raining just outside. I could tell from the atmosphere in the room and the sound that it made every time it hit the window just beside me. I wasn't usually a morning person but got up anyways remembering I have a first impression to make today so I don't need big bags under my eyes or a birds nest in my hair to ruin that. I didn't do anything crazy other than some foundation to cover up my weak parts on my face and a cat eye I was known for. I won't go into to much detail since its boring but I put on a plain black shirt and some grey leggings, I wasn't a 'jeans or pants' person since I must make my appearance comfy but on some occasions I would, unlike like today. I pranced out of my room making sure to grab everything I need, I instantly dart out of the flat and down the sidewalk, letting the wet rain pour onto me. I could use the exercise, not saying I'm a little 'big', because I'm not I'm actually the opposite. But I've been really lazy lately. I almost start to run when checking the time on my phone, almost dropping it as I continue to walk-run down the side walk until I can see the record shop just in the distance ahead.

I dart into the shop barley out of breath as the last drops of rain run down my forehead before i wipe them away. I take my first whiff of this new place almost judging it and let my eyes adjust to the new scenery that ill be stuck in for a while, or even until im old. Thanks mom for the few years of collage that i pretty much wasted. The room has a dim lighting due to the red lights that were everywhere and that smell, the smell was like when you enter a thrift shop and you walk over to the clothes that have been worn by too many people that when you try to recreate or describe it, its not really even a scent anymore. There weren't many people inside most likely because it was 7:30 in the morning. Before i could let my eyes explore the room anymore i was greeted by a fellow employee by the name of Quinn that was shown on her small-clip on name tag. She had short black hair with aqua strips in the front of her bangs that were swept to the side, her green eyes had a slight hint of hazel to them and her face was full of faded freckles. Her voice was rough but very straight forward. "Hello welcome to Vintage's Vinyl Records, are you Sierra?" She stopped to think. "Oh wait sorry, i mean Sara, am i correct?" I nod my head slowly, not minding that she got my name wrong, its not the first. "Yea im Sara." I say almost to causally. She gives me a warm smile before extending her arm towards me waiting for me to shake. "Well welcome, I'm Quinn and we will be sharing off shifts together." I shook her hand, she had a strong grip which told a lot about her. She was quite short but very strong. She showed me around and told me what she has learned over the past few years, what kinds of people usually come in here at what times, and the usual stuff that happens around here.

"Oh and there is just about one thing left to show you." She said talking behind the counter I was going to have to get comfy with. She let out a holler which wasn't really a distraction to anyone else because there wasn't really anyone even here. "Micky! C'me here!" Her yell was followed by a male voice shouting back in frustration. "Quinn I told you to not call me Micky-!" He was cut off by his self as he entered the main room were me and Quinn were in. He was holding a CD case and wiping it down until he met eyes with me. His Dark blue eyes that were almost counted as grey met with my crystal blue eyes that scanned his appearance, I'm guessing he did the same. He had this messy blonde hair that was swooped up and these big glasses that made him look adorable and almost 'nerdy'. His pale face was hairless and his outfit was the cutest thing ever. We both stood there, examining one another before Quinn broke the awkward silence. "Um, Mikey this is Sara, Sara this is Mikey your other fellow employee." His face lit up like fireworks had gone off as he tried to allow actual words to flow out of his mouth.

Instead all that came out was. "Oh, U-um n-nice to meet you s-Sara, I'm Michael, But you can call me M-Mikey." I giggled at his stuttering and greeted him along with shaking his hand, "Well it's nice to meet you to Mikey, I'm your new co-worker thingy." I slightly blushed at my own embarrassment. We all let out a little laughing fit before Quinn told us that people were starting to come in so we needed to get to work. I nodded my head and stepped closer to the counter so people knew to come check in with me if they needed anything. I laid some of my stuff out, making myself at home to my new surroundings when somebody came up to me. I turned around to see Mikey who had tapped my shoulder to get my attention, I could tell he was shy so I started the conversation, even though I am as well a shy type I wanted to be nice. "Hey Mikey, what's up?" Another smile lit up on his face as he adjusted his large but in style glasses on his face before answering. "Well I was w-wondering if maybe, you wanted to go get coffee s-sometime?" A smile had appeared on my face as I furiously nodded my head. He let out a breath of relief as he happily clapped his hands together. Then to my surprise he pulled me into a hug, but then that's when I saw Tyler walking towards us from the other side of the shop. I could tell he heard the whole thing. But it was just coffee, right?

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