C H A P T E R 2

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  The knock had startled me but It was perfect timing for them to show up anyways sense I had just finished cleaning up. Before opening the door to greet them i quickly run to the bathroom and glance at the mirror that showed a horror reflection of myself, but i really didn't have any time to clean my self up so i ran back out and over to the front door of the apartment and opened it right up, not bothering to look through the peep hole sense I wanted their appearance to be a surprise to my curious crystal blue eyes. I swung the door right open and met eyes with a hazel eyed, black hair, punk looking man not to much older than myself holding an electric guitar in one hand and and a suitcase in the other.

"Hey!" I greet him with the best smile i can do. He smiles back but it doesn't seem like he very much means it. Especially since the black eye shadow he wore around his eyes didn't make his personality shine out. He stood at the door frame waiting for me to stop staring at his eyes and allow him in so he snapped his fingers at me. "Oh sorry." i say letting him in and closing the door behind us with a sudden shake to the pictures of my favorite bands logos on the walls.

  He wondered his honey hazel eyes around the lounge, inspecting every bit until he asked. "So, Were do i sleep?" I instantly replied back like when you are waiting for your crush to text you, those were the good high school days back then. "Oh just follow me down the hall." He nodded carrying his stuff towards the end of the hall were i stood presenting the almost empty room. When i peeked inside i realized i had forgotten to take down one of my band posters that i had gave Rachel for her last birth day, my facial expression was quite obvious to the punk man as he stepped inside watching me sprint over to the poster. Before i got my hands on it he coughed out, "No, its fine." It was almost like a command to step away from the poster, so i did and slipped my way out of the room.

  As i walked out of the room i heard his voice and thought he called me, so i walked back just outside of the room and peeked in side seeing he was on his phone facing the poster, so his back was to me. I decided to not just jump into the conversation so i started to walk back to the lounge when i heard the punk say into the phone, "Yeah yeah, ill have to talk her into it or bribe her... What?... Nah she likes it to..." I froze to the conversation only being able to hear him and not the caller, then i heard him hang up. Before i could act he was already out of the room and walking up behind my back. He walked past me pretty fast so i could smell his cologne, taking a whiff up into my nose, it wasn't a bad smell, it was a good smell like my father's bathroom after he would take a shower. when ever he came home from a long day at work.

  Watching as he walked over to the kitchen to my surprise, staring at his little Mohawk that was in a mess swishing and swaying in the air with delight I followed after him. "What'cha doing?" I asked in a silly tone of voice. He didn't answer when he pulled out the milk and cereal and started making a bowl of cereal. When he finished pouring the milk just right into the bowl, he began to devour the cereal. That wasn't even his. I shot him a deep glare which he didn't seem to care about and continued to eat his cereal. When giving him a glare i noticed how tired he actually looked, with his morning fresh honey hazel soft doe like eyes glistening from the morning rays of light shining through the windows.

  "You really don't like me, do you?" I snarled at him in frustration. He looked up at me from his cereal and softly spoke, "My girlfriend says i shouldn't talk to other girls." I let out a huff of laughter before speaking, "But your talking to me right now." He didn't answer after that. So i tried to get him to. "Why couldn't you just go live with her then, instead of making me have to put up with an annoying punk as-never mind.?" He took one last sip before he ripped on me, "For your information my name is Tyler! Not whatever the hell you called me you little brat!" as soon as those words came out of his mouth, his mouth gasped open and a sorrowed frown appeared on his face when he saw me take in what he called me.

  I turned away from him to hide my tears and ran to my room, making sure to lock it behind myself i jumped onto my bed and snuggled into my blankets silently sobbing to myself. Seconds later i heard a solid four knocks on the door before Tyler's voice spoke to me in forgiveness. "Wait no, come out i-i didn't mean that..." He took a gulp before continuing his sentence. "...I just, that question just triggered me, im sorry i didn't mean to take my anger out on you, you obviously were just trying to lighten up the mood but i just held you from that." My sobbing had became sniffing by the time he was done taking, after a few minutes of me sniffing i heard his footsteps draw away from my door, "O-okay." i stuttered out, his footsteps stopped and then got louder towards my door. I walked over to my door and unlocked it then walked back over to my bed.

  I heard my door click open, i heard his footsteps get closer until i felt a weight at the bottom of my bed. Then i felt his extremely warm hand touch my shoulder, i flinched but he kept it there. "I never got your name." He whispered to me.

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