C H A P T E R 16

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I bolted up and off of my bed, which I wouldn't normally do, due to the comfort of my bed and instantly felt my body shiver and shake with only a tank on, it was cold. I felt many emotions mix in my eyes, confusion, anger, upset, curious, rage, questionability, If that's even a word. I shuffled my bare feet across the cold floor with moonlight casting shadows into the room and made it to the hallway that felt empty, it was, so I wasn't quite sure why I mentioned that. The banging on the drums stopped for a few seconds when I had made my way out into the hallway and almost to Tyler's room. I got close to the door with my blanket hugging me and dragging itself across the floor, I let out a silent yawn and before I could knock on the door I heard the muffled voices of Tyler and Ollie coming from the other side, I listened before knocking. "Dude?! are you crazy? I thought you got the foam?!... No I didn't tell her!... You better have not woken her up!... fine ill go check..." I heard Ollie's muffled yells coming closer, i had no time to react and found myself just frozen in front of Tyler's door as Ollie opened it to a surprise.

Ollie just stared at me and then at Tyler before throwing a hissy fit. "Aghh! Tyler why do you always do this?!" Ollie yelled yanking a pillow off of the floor and threw it at the wall. Tyler on the other hand just sat on his black and white drums, just watching Ollie throw a temper tantrum from the other side of the room. Ollie threw himself on Tyler's bed and yelled into the pillows that muffled his yell.

After Ollie was done yelling into his pillow he turned his head to me and asked, "What did you need?" Trying to act as if nothing had happened just a few minutes ago. I raised my finger up to my pursed lips and gave him a shushing look. "Please keep it down, this queen needs her beauty sleep." Still half asleep I lowered my finger to watch there reactions before heading off back to bed. Tyler raised his eyebrows with his drum sticks still in hand while Ollie on the other hand just stared at me for a while before reacting to what I said. "Sorry, can we maybe talk about this Tomorrow? You look tired." He was right I was tired and just wanted to go straight to bed so I nodded my head. Mocking what he had did to me earlier i blew him a kiss and walked down the hall and into my bedroom hearing Tyler's little giggles and comments like 'You two should get a room' or 'how 'bout you can be her roommate'. While Ollie kept telling him to shut up or he was going to leave which I doubt he was going to do, it was way to late to be out.

I slowly walked over to my bed and hopped in, snuggling into the covers I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep, but right before I fell asleep, I swore I had heard the sound of Tyler's voice from just down the hallway, singing a song that sounded familiar, but I was to tired to figure it out.

I woke up to my alarm on my phone and let out a long and groggy groan before jumping out of bed and heading out of my room for breakfast. I walked down the hallway while it made soft but annoying creaks while entering the lounge.

I entered to the smell of pancakes and maple syrup and instantly ran to kitchen, before I entered I stopped just out side of the room and peeked in to see Tyler and Ollie had already gobbled up all the pancakes and were finishing it up with a glass of orange juice, country style. I felt my lack of sleep, emotions kick in and bribe me to feel upset. usually I would probably be okay with it but when I don't get much sleep I wake up crabby. I made my way back to my bedroom, completely ignoring my stomach's needs and wants and walked into my bathroom that I rarely use even though it was in my room, but it was tiny, to tiny for my likings. I walked in and closed the door behind me quietly and slumped down into my blankets. What was I doing with my life? I can't keep going around an taking every job I can find that will help pay rent and food, I needed a real job. I hung my head down into my blanket as my breathing became heavier and uneven with every breath.

I knew what was happening, I started to panic, and it didn't help that I still haven't had food. My head started pounding with words that didn't make sense to me and metaphors that were meant to hurt. I felt my chest fill with pain and my throat throb with every breath I took. All the pain that swarmed in me swelled tears in my glossy red and puffy eyes before falling to the tiled floor beneath me. My cries were silent but my wheezing sounded like I had just ran an eight mile marathon under water. My head pounded from the sobbing and worries that were in my brain, my body was shaken up like a snow globe and my hands and arms were glossy and soaked from my tears that stained my face with an itching feeling. I hadn't even noticed that it had been around ten minutes that I was having an anxiety attack until I heard Tyler and Ollie knocking on the door telling me to come out. My inner demon had token over and told me no, his name is Catastrophe. He wouldn't let me move or talk, but the boys continued to knock, almost banging until I felt my soul reconnect with my body.

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