C H A P T E R 6

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I continued to hold my side in pain and barley breathed out, "No, its, in, p-pain." Ollie pulled me close to him, trying to reduce the pain and then shot Tyler a glare as if he had something to do with it. Tyler shifted his body towards the the window uncomfortably on the couch when looking away from the situation. Ollie continued to help the pain but it struck me worse over and over every second we just sat there. "I can't take this." Tyler said when standing up and walking towards me, surprisingly he picked me up, i could tell he was uncomfortable about picking up another girl other than Jen but he continued to do so.

Ollie's facial expression changed to a confused look and attempted to grab Tyler's arm but failed as Tyler carried me out the door and out of the apartment. Ollie followed after as he quickly cached onto what Tyler was doing, i how ever had no idea until he lifted me into the back seat of the car. I could tell Ollie wanted to hop in the back with me but knew that Tyler wouldn't like that, so he hopped in the front passenger seat while Tyler dragged himself into the drivers seat and told us to buckle up. We did as told and drove off, i how ever knew were we where going, the hospital, i hated the hospital, every time i had ever broke or sprained my self my mother would just tell me to walk it off or wrap it up myself, so i did. I could take care of myself but the boys didn't know that, i wanted to yell at them to turn back but i was in to much pain to do so. So i just sat in silence.

Occasionally i would catch Ollie out of the corner of my eye, stare or glance at me through the mirror that made me blush and smile, but the smile wouldn't last long when the pain in my side reminded me why i was in Tyler's car in the first place. My shoulders began to get heavier as Tyler would let out sighs of regret, I still was determined to help Ollie with his lost Tyler. Tyler was like a lost puppy, who followed the commands of who ever had control of him and was startled by any other females approaching, it was as if he didn't want to fall in love and cheat, like as if he had to stay away from me so he wouldn't fall in love. What was I thinking? I knew nothing about love, i've only had one boyfriend before, what could I possibly know? I did have to admit though, both of the boys were indeed cute but, I'm not sure, it would seem awkward and uncomfortable.I let my face frown while staring out the window and letting out a long sigh, what was wrong with me? what had the boys talked about meaning 'how could you let her do that'.

Do what? That's all I really thought about other than the pain in my stomach for the rest of the ride there, it was silent until I heard the faint voices of a favorite song I had owned, really I had owned the whole album. I would of squealed in delight but instead I let out a few huffs as if I had just ran a marathons and choked out, "T-turn it up!" Ollie looked at me with a smile on his face and nodded. I heard a few giggles come from both of the boys, I didn't really care though I just started to sing along to the lyrics.

"No one else knows you like the creatures and catastrophic inside of your soul, tearing a rip inside cold..." I sang softly to the lyrics, though the boys could still hear my voice over the amazing band I was listening to. Music was my life, it has lifted me up even out of the darkest of times, it has made me dance till my legs fell to the floor, it had formed me into the person I am today.

The boys clearly have heard if this band and sang loudly with me, well except Tyler, he sang lightly, I could tell he wanted to burst out into the course but he held it all in to keep his cool. Ollie however on the other hand was rapping from the top of his lungs, he knew every word just like how I did. Before I could even process what was happening the song ended and the radio was turned off by Tyler, as if he was annoyed with our singing. Ollie turned around to face me and said, "You have a pretty voice." His comment immediately made me blush. No one has ever said that other than my mom trying to get me into a solo tryout for choir one year in middle school, I ended up having an anxiety attack in the bathroom when I should have been at tryouts, when my teachers found me I had calmed down and called home in tears. "Thank y-you, you listen to Catastrophe too?" I said that more excitingly than I meant it. He nodded his head with a small giggle at the end. I looked in Tyler's direction as his eyes were still fixed on the road, he was thinking of something, and I needed to know.

We shortly arrived in the parking lot of the hospital and got out of the car. I had all ready forgotten i was hurt and limped out of the car holding my side and breathing unevenly, Ollie took me by the arm with a smile as I felt Tyler roll his eyes, even though he was still getting out of the car and me and Ollie were all ready almost into the large building. "Hurry up slowpoke." I tried to joke out, but Tyler just sped walked past us and walked inside, not even holding the door open for us. Ollie led me to the front desk as Tyler sat down on one of the waiting chairs, scrolling through his phone just to get away from life for a while. I had snapped back to Ollie and the office lady in front of us when she asked for my name, "Miss...?" "Keeli, Sara Keeli." I quickly answered urgent to sit down, Ollie noticed and whispered "Go sit down, ill take care of this." I nodded and sat next to Tyler who seemed to take no notice of me what so ever. "Miss. Keeli, follow me." I heard a soft and familiar voice come from the distance. I looked up and didn't know what to say or do except do what he asked.

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