C H A P T E R 25

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We walked, side by side in the warm streets that sang every step we took. The sky over looked our body's from above and guided us towards the cafè. We didn't talk much, but when we did I could feel his warm body heat brush onto my skin only inches away from me. Every time we would talk, he would do his little nervous habit. He would play with his hair, constantly brushing His pale fingers through his almost snow white hair and letting out a nervous laugh. But it wasn't long before we reached our destination and ran in.

I breathed in all the coffee bean scents whilst looking over my shoulder at Mikey who was drooling all over a cinnamon bun that some lady was eating. I snapped my fingers in his face that made him flinch and let out a cute giggle. "Come on." I whispered whilst running over to a small booth that had a nice view of the citie's street. He followed and pulled out my stool like gentleman and pushed me in, causing me to blush. He sat down across from me and pulled out a little menu they had on the table. We both looked over the menus until a nice looking man came over to our table to take our 'orders'. "What will it be for you sir." He asked Mikey whilst adjusting his tiny clip-on name tag that read, Frank. Mikey said his order as I then forgot mine. I tried to not keep him waiting for me to go looking back into the menu and agreed on what ever Mikey was having. "Thank you ma'am." Frank said giving me a dirty smirk and walking off with out orders. Mikey gave him a glare that I pretended to not notice.

"Hey Mikey, thank you." I thanked him with a smile as he seemed memorized in his own world. He quickly snapped out if it and responded, "Your welcome, anything for you" His cheeks instantly flushed red from the respond he made. Not long after, Frank came back with our orders, well Mikey's order. "Here you go lady and sir." He said handing us our items. We both thanked him as he walked away with the same smirk on his face from before. I turned my attention to Mikey who was staring angrily at his coffee. I focuced my attention to my own coffee and picked up, sipping down the hot liquid my eyes fixed from my coffee, to Mikey's unusual facial exspression. His eyes were narrowed and squinted to the bottom of my cup, I lowered my cup almost to the table and turned the bottom towards myself to get a look at whatever Mikey was burning a hole into.

A small yellow sticky note with black numbers, was stuck onto the bottom of my cup. I rolled my eyes knowing who did this and plucked the note off, crumped it in my hand and threw it in a nearby trash.

I sat down in my seat with a victorious attitude whilst taking a sip of my warm cafine substance. Mikey looked at me in disbelief. "Is this a regular thing that happens?" His voice grew a little louder but not enough for anyone else to gear exsept me. "Please, I never go out of the house, So no." He rolled his eyes and mutters something I couldn't quite make out. "Sorry I, I just care about you. Anyways do you got anything planned this weekend?" His words grew soft again and so did his face. I thought for a moment. I mentally face palmed myself for actually forgetting. "Well I kind of do." I said unsure of what might even happen this weekend. "What do you mean?" He asked confused. "Well, listen you can't tell anyone. Okay?" He let a faint giggle come from his nude lips. "What are we? Twelve year olds? Of coarse I won't tell anyone." I let out a giggle before speaking again. "Well I have these friends, and one of them have been acting unusual and unlike himself. So I promised my other friend I would resolve this myself." He nodded his head waiting for more to flood from my mouth.

"So I was going to take him to a concert." I wanted to yell out but couldn't. "That's awesome, who's concert?" He asked getting excited. "Well I believe he likes the band Catastrophe so I was thinking about taking him to their concert." My smile wanted to turn to a frown, knowing exactly what his next question would be. "Wow he is so lucky, but you have that kind of money?" He already knew the answer by the look of my face. "Well no but that's why I got a job. So I can save up for a pair of concert tickets." His smile faded a little at the sad fact he had just heard. "Well maybe I can help you, you know get those tickets." I couldn't elive how sweet he was. He was prscticlly saying that he would get those tickets for me. "No, you can't do that. Plus my other friend, I'm pretty sure Is in a band so maybe he can figure something out." I said trying to let him think I'm weak. "Well if he doesn't help then you can call me." I giggled to his response.

Just like that we left, he walked me back to work whilst I almost had a breakdown knowing I had to get those tickets before this Saturday. Mikey offered to walk me home, I didn't argue since I wasn't the type to like to wander the streets out late. We arrived at the flat and said our goodbyes. "Wait!" He called just after our goodbyes. I cocked my head towards his shadow self, waiting for why he called for me. "Hope you get those tickets." He said pulling me into a warm hug. I hugged him back and told him goodnight before running into my flat.

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