Chapter one: The Mistress Encounter

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Addison's POV:

I'd known for a while that he'd been cheating. I'd known the moment that he pressed ignore on every single one of my calls that he was with another woman.

Of course, he wouldn't be with another woman if I hadn't screwed up the way I did. If I hadn't slept with his best friend. If I hadn't cheated on him first, he wouldn't have left me. He wouldn't have found someone else and I'd be okay, I wouldn't be crying into my sprite on a plane from New York to Seattle, to get a look at the whore who'd been my husbands reason to stay in Seattle.

Thinking of Derek with someone else, and knowing I single handedly drove him away, made me hate myself. I couldn't think of a time in my life when I'd felt more self-loathing.

'If you didn't sleep with Mark, you'd be in New York right now, in your gorgeous house in the Hampton's with your gorgeous husband and maybe thoughts of a baby' I thought to myself bitterly.

Then, there was this little voice, so tiny I almost missed it, that said 'he didn't pay any attention to you, Addison. He acted like you were an old chair that would be around forever. He needed an eye opener. You deserve your husbands attention, you deserve Derek to try and do more, not half ass your decade long marriage'

Getting off the plane, I felt sick to my stomach. Of course, I didn't know for sure if Derek was with someone else. But why else would Richard Webber call me to Seattle for a surgery at the same hospital my husband was working at? Surely, it can't be solely because I'm the best neonatal surgeon in the country. Of course, that definitely had something to do with it. The case he'd sent me was complex, but I knew for a fact he could've gotten a different surgeon had he wanted to.

Richard always had ulterior motives, and I knew for a fact, that he was trying to break up Derek and whatever whore he'd picked up from a cheap ass bar. Why, I didn't know. Surely, Derek had told him what I'd done.

'That's Derek' I thought 'always the one to make you feel worse, when you already know you screwed up and you already feel like shit'

I got to my hotel, my hands were shaking as I paid with my platinum credit card. I'd have to see him soon, and with my luck, he'd be with her. He'd be with the girl who obviously outranked me, since he was so busy with her that he hadn't even bothered to send me a damn post card. I didn't know if he was dead or alive or in Mars until Richard called.

I got to my room, and put my bags down at the foot of the bed. Even if things went bad with Derek, I knew I'd be in Seattle at least a few weeks to a month, maybe more, with the case Richard had given me. So, I packed everything and anything I couldn't live without.

Sighing, I ran my hands through my long, red hair, and retrieved some clean clothes, my make up bag, blow dryer, curling iron and my favourite perfume. Derek had always hated the smell, he said I smelled too sweet, almost sickly. The scent was called sugar cookie dream, which was ironic since it smelled like brown sugar. Derek hated it with a passion. But I wore it anyway, because I liked it. The only scent I could think of that topped it, was the smell of lavender. Derek was a fan of lavender, but I'd left that perfume at home. I needed something sweet to remind me the world wasn't always sour.

Quickly, I showered to wash the disgusting smell of plane and travel off of me. I got out, dried off, and dried my hair. After Brushing it throughly, I got dressed and curled my hair before putting on some make up. Bright red lipstick matched my hair and my heels, I knew paired with a black trench coat I'd look amazing.

I fluffed my hair, straightened my jacket and headed outside. I had to mentally prepare myself for the god awful Seattle rain. I'd managed to find a cab before any real damage was done to my hair, but I knew I should've went with a classy high pony tail paired with a sleek jacket and some jeans. Oh well, too late to turn back I thought. I looked fabulous, I just hoped the rain wouldn't affect that.

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