Chapter forty seven: Baby time!

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A/N- BABYS HERE!!!! I was so excited to write this. The end of this book is coming, BUT there will be a sequel and a third book bc I have SO MUCH planned for Mer and Addie ❤️ love you all, I hope you like this chapter as much as I did ~Daisy

Meredith's POV:

I was wary to leave for work, I was worried while I was gone Addie would need me. But she insisted I go, and I went, which I was regretting.

Cristina was in the front seat as I drove like a madwoman from the hospital to my house, where my wife was having our baby.

"God dammit!" I swear, hitting the steering wheel. I was speeding as it was, but traffic hit when I was about five minutes away from home. I just needed to get home to her, to the baby.

"This is ridiculous" Cristina yelled, before rolling her window down and screaming something extremely profane at the person in front of us, who was holding up said traffic.

It seemed to do the trick, because the traffic cleared up in seconds and we were off, as fast as a bullet.

"She's a doctor, she knows how to deliver babies" Cristina tried to assure me. I was confused; not only did she say her water hadn't broken, but she told me it was only Braxton hicks she'd been having through the night.

"I'm terrified, Cristina. I know she'll be fine, the baby will be fine, we'll all be fine. But I'm terrified!" I exclaim. Motherhood was exciting in theory, but now that the big moment was here, I was petrified.

"Why?" Cristina asked "you've got a wife and a new baby, you have a family, Mer. My little godchild" Cristina and Callie were the babies godmothers, and we'd decided to make the godfather Alex. He was the closest thing I had to a brother, even if Addie didn't like him too much.

I sigh "it's hard to explain, Cristina" I struggle, looking for the right words to try and explain why I'm so terrified "I look at Addison, and I love her more than my heart can handle. More than anything else, I love her. And I'm so, so scared that I won't love that little tiny baby nearly as much as I love her. I don't think I could love anything as much as I love her, I don't know if there's room in my heart. She's all I've ever loved this way"

Cristina doesn't laugh, she doesn't make jokes, she doesn't call me cheesy or corny. As we pull into the driveway, we just looks at me and squeezes my hand encouragingly.

"I know there's enough room for more love; you and Addison both have so much love, and now you've got someone to give it to. Go get your baby" she smiles, and as soon as the car is in park we're both flying up the front steps and into the house.

"Addie?" I call, looking around. She wasn't downstairs. "Addie?" I run upstairs, and see her on the floor in the hallway just outside of our room.

"Jesus Christ, Meredith! Thank god you're- JESUS CHRIST OUCH- here!" She pants. She was wearing only a t shirt, there was blood and fluid all over the floor, and there was a baby rapidly making its way out.

"Oh, bunny" I throw off my coat, and get behind her. I hold her on my lap, and grab her hands. There's no going to the hospital now; the baby was coming out on the hardwood. "Cristina, go to the hall bathroom and grab a towel. Wash your hands really quick, you're catching the baby" it didn't take long for Cristina to jump into doctor mode; in a heartbeat, she was back with washed hands and a towel.

"Okay, looks like the baby is almost out" Cristina says, kneeling in between Addie's legs "just push a couple more times, the top of its head is already out. The shoulders is the hard part, but you'll do it no problem. Piece of cake" Cristina instructs.

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