Chapter thirty eight: Ultrasound

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A/N- i am so sorry for the lack of updates! I'm trying to update more regularly, so here's a double update to make up for the absence! Thanks for reading :)

Addison's POV:

By the end of January, when I was eight weeks and two days pregnant, we had our first ultrasound. I was excited, nervous maybe, but excited. I hadn't had a period since the insemination, all the pregnancy tests I took were positive, and my blood test was positive. Yet, I still felt nervous that we'd go into the ultrasound and something would go wrong.

"Do you think the baby is okay?" I ask Meredith as we sit in the waiting room anxiously awaiting our turn to see our little baby "I'm so anxious; I just want to know he or she's okay" I fret, as Meredith holds my hand comfortingly.

"Speaking of he or she, who is definitely growing okay in that belly of yours, when you're far enough along, do we want to know the gender?" Mer asks questionably "I've never given much thought to what I want the baby to be; as long as he or she is healthy I suppose I don't really care" she tacks on.

"I don't think we should find out the gender; a surprise when he or she is born will always be fun" I decide "we can decorate the nursery in yellow and white, buy all gender neutral things, and when he or she decides to make their grand entrance, we'll go shopping online"

"You're addicted to shopping online" she rolled her eyes with a smile on her face "you've practically ordered all of our house decor online, not to mention the new pots and pans, and the new plastic containers, AND the bathroom set with our matching towels-" I cut her off before she could get to the shoes that showed up at our door two days ago. All six pairs of them.

"We get it; I have a bit of a problem. Maybe when the baby comes I won't have as much free time to spend money. Next subject" Being a doctor meant I didn't get much time off; it also meant that I couldn't go out shopping. So, in between surgeries and in my down time, I liked to browse the internet for good deals (which Meredith pointed out more than once, were not really good deals when you have to pay for shipping).

"I think we should do the nursery orange and baby blue" Meredith declared "yellow is too washed out; orange walls with baby blue decorations and stuff" she tells me.

"That sounds lovely, babe" I agree, right as the receptionist calls out our names for us to meet the doctor in an exam room.

"This is it" Meredith smiles "we get to see little Addie junior"

When we get to the exam room, the doctor is waiting with a smile. We opted to go for our check up to a practice about half an hour away instead of Seattle Grace, just because we didn't want the whole hospital knowing our business. The baby was our little secret until I safely made it to my second trimester.

"Hi there, Mrs. and Mrs. Montgomery-Grey! So glad to see you! I'm Doctor Parks, now, Mrs. Montgomery-Grey, if you could sit on the exam table with your shirt rolled up that would be great!" she motioned to the table, and I was half convinced she didn't know which one of us was pregnant.

Regardless, I sat up on the table and rolled up my shirt as instructed. It was weird for me to be called 'Mrs' instead of 'Doctor', but it was a nice change. Here, I didn't have to worry about being a doctor, I only had to worry about being a Mother.

"Alright, this will be a little cold" she warned me before squeezing the ultrasound gel onto my flat stomach, as Meredith sat down next to me and held my hand. I had given so many different women so many different ultrasounds, so I knew what to expect. But somehow, its different when its your own.

"You're measuring at eight weeks, two days. Is that about right?" she asks, while looking around at the little black blob on the screen. It didn't look like much, but it was everything.

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