Chapter forty five: I can't help falling in love with you

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It'll be baby time soon! Drop a guess at what you think the baby's name will be in the comments!

Addison's POV:

Thirty three weeks pregnant came with back pain, bladder failure and barely any sleep.

"How many more weeks til he's out?" I mumble, as Meredith and I eat lunch together in the cafeteria. Work was becoming increasingly difficult, but I wasn't going to give up. Maternity leave, while it could be taken whenever I want, isn't mandatory until my pregnancy is full term (thirty seven weeks). Every inch of my body was in pain and I was getting bigger and bigger by the minute, but I kept on going.

"Not much longer now, baby" Meredith smiled excitedly. We pretty much had everything finished, the nursery was done and everything we needed was in it, there were just some odds and ends we needed to get done, nothing overly big.

"She keeps kicking my back out" I complain. I'd been alternating between he and she for the baby, because I was genuinely unsure of what gender it was. I still wanted to guess boy, but I felt like it could be a girl too.

Mother's intuition is crap.

"She'll be here soon enough" Meredith was still firmly on team girl, she was picking out girls names every two seconds. But we still couldn't agree on any names we really liked. Meredith loved the name Rose for a girl, but I wasn't sold. I always told her I'd compromise, Rose for a first name and Catherine for the middle, but she shot me down. She hated her middle name with a passion.

So, we were still thinking.

"He needs a name" I point out "she, he, whatever it is and whatever it decides to be, needs a name" it was ironic; we were prepared in all ways possible, we had everything set up and did everything right. We both knew how to take care of kids, were surgeons for gods sake.

But we still didn't have a name. The one thing we didn't have was arguably the most important.

"Rosalie" Meredith suggests "we can call her Rose, and her middle name can be May, simple and cute"

I shake my head "If you get to chose Rose, it goes with Catherine or it's a bust"

"Rosalie technically isn't Rose!"

"It's close enough!"

She sighs "How about we wait until he or she is here, we don't have to be dead set on a name right away"

I agree, when the obnoxious sound of my pager starts up. I groan and kiss her hastily, before standing up and running (as much as I could) to the page.


The day was long, long and hard and brutal and everything in between. I was exhausted, and it wasn't even really a long shift, ten hours was a joke when I was in my residency. I could've worked days on end back then, but I also wasn't growing another human being during my residency.

And this was exactly why. Residency was brutal and tiring enough; a forty eight hour shift whilst pregnant would've surely been the death of me. It was hard to work when there was a baby wedged under my ribs, kicking my back in.

The first thing I did when I got home was kick my shoes off. Meredith was already home, she'd be working early tomorrow morning while I wouldn't have to work until a couple hours later. After kicking my shoes off and hanging up my coat, I went to the kitchen to feed the cats.

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