Chapter thirty nine: Mini-Meredith

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Addison's POV:

By the time I was twelve and a half weeks along in my pregnancy, all of our friends had found out I was pregnant because Meredith is a loud drunk.

"Mere-DITH" I yelled, stomping down the stairs one night after a barrage of texts and phone calls from friends congratulating me on the pregnancy I had yet to announce.

"I know that yell" she winced, as I approached her in the kitchen. It was early in the morning, we both had work, but I'd decided to check my phone only to be greeted with spams of messages. "That's the yell I'm going to hear in my last moments of life, isn't it?" Meredith asks, implying that I'm going to kill her. Which, she was probably right about.

"Why are all of our friends sending me messages about how happy they are that I'm pregnant?" I demand, putting a hand on my hip with a stern look.

"I am so dead" Meredith mutters under her breath "last night, remember how I went to Joe's with Cristina and Izzie? Well I had a little too much tequila" I knew she was out, and I knew she'd been drinking (Meredith always told me where she was going and when she'd be home. A couple of weeks ago, Cristina even told me a fun story about how she tried to get Meredith's gin-soaked jacked off of her before sending her home to me and Meredith wouldn't let her because "Cristina I am a married woman and you're frisking me like Walmart security") but I didn't know she'd spill the beans.

"You told everyone?!" I exclaim "we had plans! I was planning a dinner party! We were going to have everyone over!" I was upset, and it was only magnified by the pregnancy hormones that were racing through my blood.

"I only told Izzie and Cristina" she defended quickly.

I pull out my phone and start scrolling through the list of messages. "Why do I have messages from Izzie, Cristina, George, Callie, Arizona, Bailey, Webber, Lexie, hell,even Karev texted me 'Heard U got knocked up. Congrats on the Mini-Meredith'"

"Wait, Lexie texted you?" She asked me with a confused look on your face "how'd she get your number?"

"She's your sister, Mer. I made nice with her, unlike you, and we're friends. I was planning on asking her to dinner when we were going to tell all our friends!"

Meredith shrugged and sipped on her coffee. "Izzie must've spilled the beans"

I groaned and stomped back upstairs, yelling behind me "You're the one who's a loud drunk!"


I ate lunch that day with Callie, who was fretting over some troubles she was having with Arizona.

"She doesn't like Mark" Callie sighed "he's one of my best friends, and she can't stand him"

"Nobody likes Mark" I shrug "he's Mark" personally, I still wasn't the biggest fan of Mark Sloan. But Callie seemed to hit it off with him, and Lexie Grey seemed infatuated with him. Every time I saw them in a room together, Lexie was ogling Mark like the last slice of pizza.

"Mark isn't that bad once you get to know him" Callie defended "you of all people should know that"

I snorted, and sipped my water. "It's because I've known Mark for so long that I don't like him. Once you've spent fifteen years dealing with him, trust me, you'll feel the same way"

"Arizona can't even stand him now, let alone in fifteen years!" Callie angrily bit into her apple.

"Arizona is smarter than you give her credit for. And apparently, a very good judge of character" Callie just rolls her eyes at this, and continues eating her apple.

"Enough about that, I feel like we've talked it to death" Callie waves off the conversation with a shake of her head "how about we talk about you and your pregnant self! How are you feeling?" Callie loved babies, and I knew she wanted one of her own more than anything. Yet, another reason why she and Arizona butted heads; Arizona (even though she was a pediatric surgeon) despised the idea of having children.

"I feel really good, actually" I smile "I'm twelve weeks and four days, with no morning sickness or headaches whatsoever. My feet are swelling a little bit, but my hands aren't" I tell Callie. I spent so much of my time hearing about other lady's symptoms of pregnancy, and it was really freaking amazing to finally talk about my own symptoms. I was finally included in this special club of pregnant ladies.

"How was your twelve week check up?" Callie asked me happily.

"It went amazing" I nod, as I pick at the salad on my plate "the baby is measuring a day ahead, which is better than measuring behind. He's all snuggled up in there, right in my back. Our obstetrician says I'm carrying very inwards so the baby bump probably won't be very big. Of course, things can change, but as of now, I'm carrying inward" I was half relieved, half upset that I was carrying so far in. I was relieved because my weight gain would be less, my clothes would fit longer, there would be minimal stretchmarks and I wouldn't be the size of a whale. But I was sad because part of the pregnant lady experience is the bump, and I wouldn't have a bump for another little bit. Even so, my bump probably wouldn't be noticeable until halfway through my pregnancy.

I was really excited for the bump, needless to say.

"If you're carrying closer to your back, when she starts kicking you'll feel it in your lower back right away" Callie told me.

"I did not think of that" I sighed, adding yet another reason to my list as to why I didn't want to carry so inwards. But, as long as the baby was okay, I didn't care how I carried. I was pregnant and that's what mattered.

"Do you know the due date?"

"August twenty sixth" I answer "I'll be pregnant all through the stifling heat of the summer, what fun" I groan.

"You could have the baby early. You never know" Callie shrugged "or late. She could be born in September"

"HE will be born in August if I have to rip him out of there myself" so far, from what I noticed, Izzie, Meredith, Callie, George and Webber all told me they think the baby is a girl, while myself, Cristina, Bailey, Arizona and even Alex (who was referring to the baby as 'little slugger') all thought it was a boy. The bets were split fifty-fifty, and nobody would know for sure until August.

"You should really consider finding out the gender" Callie was trying to coerce me into finding out the gender early, yet again. "Its easier to know how to prepare and how to pick out names"

"The surprise is all part of the fun" I was determined to stick to my guns and not know the gender "besides, I already know he's a boy. Mothers intuition" I shrug.

Callie just rolled her eyes.

A/N- Sorry, short but fun filler chapter! I'll have regular updates coming once a week very soon!

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