Chapter twenty one: Prom!

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Meredith's POV:

"How long after getting married would you wait to have kids?" I ask Izzie absently one day. Addie and I had been together for four months and one week, meaning that it was April 19th currently. I counted our anniversaries based on the first day she ever kissed me. That was the day Ms. Evans had the twins. November twelfth.

"Where's this coming from?" Izzie asks raising an eyebrow.

"I was wondering" I shrugged.

"Well" Izzie sighed "I know most people would wait a year or two, but I don't think I would. I'd wait maybe six months before trying to get pregnant, if that. Really, when you add up the six months and the nine months, you've been married like almost a year and a half before you have any kids"

I nod thoughtfully.

"Although I guess it depends" Izzie shrugs "if you and your partner" (she'd taken to saying partner instead of husband or boyfriend since I was currently with a woman) "want kids, why wait the six months? If you love each other and you're in a committed and loving relationship, getting married is really just writing it down so that people don't judge you when you do decide to start a family. Living together, loving each other, knowing each other, being with each other is all that matters. Getting married is a formality so don't base your future family off of how long your love has been legal in the state of Washington" Izzie shrugs.

"That was deep" I say smiling "and so damn true"

"Well, that's what I'm here for" she smiles triumphantly "speaking of relationships, did you ask lover lady to the stupid prom thing chief Webber is holding for his niece?"

"I asked this morning. She's excited" I smile, thinking of how excited Addie was and how absolutely adorable she is. She hated being called adorable (adorable is reserved for kittens, puppies and babies, she'd always tell me) but I didn't care. She was adorable.

Izzie smiles "is it sad that I want to go out and buy a new dress, even though this isn't real prom?"

I laugh "not really, I've been stressing out about making sure I don't mess up and that I impress Addie. Which is dumb considering she already loves me and I already love her. It's like I'm in high school again when I'm with her, I swear" I remember the first time we kissed and the obsessive urge I had to check a mirror to make sure I wasn't seventeen again.

"Meredith that is so cute!" Izzie squealed.

I sigh "I dunno Iz, I just feel so alive with her. Like nothing can bring me down, not when I'm with her. Everything about her makes me crazy, from the way her hair falls around her face to the way she chews on pens when she's concentrating. She makes me crazy, she wakes something up in me that I didn't even know I had. Everything about her makes me wonder how I would've went on without her. I had no clue what I was missing out on, honestly, because when I'm with her I'm living. Up until I met her, I was breathing and moving and talking, but I was just existing. When I met her, I found out what it was like to live and not just exist" I pause, trying to think of a more adequate way to describe loving Addie. "It was like I had air in my lungs, I just didn't know how use it until I met her"

I was afraid I was being sappy and annoying, but the tears in Izzie's eyes and the smile on her face said otherwise.

"You know what this means?" Izzie asks.


"You gotta put a ring on that finger"


Later on that night, I was trying desperately to find something to wear to the prom. I didn't want to go out and buy a new dress, but at the same time nothing I had seemed good enough.

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