Chapter twenty seven: Surprise!!!

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Addison's POV:

"They're going to kill us" I mutter, as we get on the elevator at the hospital.

It was a week after our city hall wedding (which was perfect) and we'd just gotten back from our exotic honey moon in Hawaii. I could say without a doubt, that I loved Mere more than anything or anyone in the world.

"I could honestly care less" she kissed me softly "I love you, okay?"

I nod, smiling "I love you too"

The elevator dinged, and we both got off, smiling as we walked our separate ways.

I hadn't walked two feet, and I heard shouting behind me.

"Addison Adrienne Forbes Montgomery!" Callie's voice yelled behind me.

"It's Montgomery-Grey" I smile, turning around, flashing my wedding ring.

"Ohmigosh without me!" She ran over to me and grabbed my hand "we all knew that's what you were doing, but I am so happy for you! This is amazing!" She squealed.

I laughed "Thank you so much! It was amazing!"

Callie smiled "you skipped your wedding, excluded your friends and got married to the love of your life. You know what this means?"

"What?" I shrug.

"We are having a belated wedding party!" She exclaims happily.

I groan "Noooo" I whine. "Not gonna happen"

"Too late, I already planned it with Arizona!" Callie smirked.

"Arizona?" I raise an eyebrow.

Callie smiles "A friend of mine. She's been so amazing since George and I broke up" Callie and George dated for a few months, but it was never anything serious. When they broke up though, it was still hard on Callie.

"She seems nice, I can't wait to meet her" I pick up some charts "I'd love to stay and chat, but I have a patient"

"Which reminds me" Callie smiles "your wife, your intern. I'll have a nurse page her, she's yours for the day"

"Wouldn't have it any other way"


"Ms. Evans!" I exclaim, seeing her sitting on the exam table "how are you? It's been a while!"

She smiles "I'm amazing! I'm actually pregnant! Again!" She laughs.

"Amazing!" I laugh "how long?"

"I'm about eight weeks or so" she puts a hand on her belly "I specifically requested you for my ultrasound. Since everything with the twins I want to be sure everything's okay"

"I'm honoured. How are the twins doing anyway?" I ask, prepping the ultrasound machine.

"They're almost eight months old, complete spitfires. They'll be about fifteen months older than this little one" she tells me.

"Speaking of which, is there a proud papa?" I ask curiously.

"God no" she shakes her head "I'm forty years old, I wanted more kids. I decided this was more than likely my last shot. I saw a few doctors who gave me the all clear for a sperm donor and went for it"

"Good for you" I say surprised.

She nods, still smiling "so, how are you Dr. Montgomery?"

"Montgomery-Grey, actually" I tell her proudly "I got married a week ago"

"You and Dr. Grey!" She clapped her hands together "amazing! I knew you two were definitely an item!"

I chuckle, snapping on some gloves and getting the jelly ready. "We got married a week ago, I'm actually just back from Hawaii, from our honeymoon"

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