Chapter eight: 7th grade crush round 2

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Meredith's POV:

I awoke the next morning, feeling so happy. I had not a clue why, until I felt the soft rise and fall of a persons breathing under my head and the sweet smell of brown sugar filled my nose.


I could've stayed there all day, I was literally the comfiest I'd ever been. I didn't know if she was asleep, but when I heard her softly humming the melody to a song, I knew she was awake.

I sighed, and looked up at her. She smiled, and stopped humming.

"That was a pretty song" i murmured, sleep still lacing my voice.

"Did you sleep well?" She asked. I nodded, and buried my head in the crook of her neck, making a 'hmff' noise.

"I slept so well I don't want to get up" I whine.

Addison laughs, and I can feel the warm vibrations from her throat hitting my nose.

"We have rounds, and maybe some twins to deliver today" Addison tells me.

I sigh, and stand up slowly. "Thanks, Addie" I say gratefully "I seriously owe you for that. I don't know why I had such a rough nightmare" I'm partially embarrassed that my boss had to cuddle me to sleep, and partially sad that I couldn't cuddle her again.

"Mere, you're more than welcome" she says warmly "you were there when I broke down, it was my turn to be there for you"

I smile and feel butterfly's in my stomach. I have no clue why, but all I can think of is Addison. The smell of brown sugar, the sound of her raspy morning voice, the way her hair is slightly messy and tangly, everything. She's all I can focus on, and I'm not sure why.

Before I totally lose my mind, I quickly excuse myself and go to freshen up.

I don't know why, but I feel the same way I did when I had my first crush back in middle school, only everything is times a thousand.


About half an hour later, I'm sitting in the hospital basement cross legged on a old hospital bed with Izzie, Christina, Alex and George all around me. We're all sporting last nights scrubs (exhaustion and laziness are all factors in our inability to change unless we physically have to) while we eat an assortment of pretzels, apple slices, Oreos, trail mix and water for breakfast while trading stories about what happened last night. We were all on call, but it was a slow night so not too much happened.

"I'm telling you, she came in because he ate a freaking rock" Christina says, telling us about a Mother who had her sixteen year old son in the ER last night because he ate a rock.

"Why the hell would he eat a rock?" Izzie asks questionably.

"His friends said they'd give him a hundred bucks" Christina shrugged.

"To think he gets to vote some day" George mutters.

"The kids two years away from being a legal adult and he eats a rock?" Alex says "what a dumbass"

I don't say much, I just sit and listen, trying to decipher what I felt for Addison. It was no secret, I found her gorgeous. She was also extremely smart, she was sensitive which was really sweet, she was a kick ass surgeon, but she was also fun to be around.

Okay, it was safe to say I definitely had a thing for Addison. A little crush? Probably. It would pass eventually, I just didn't know when.

Even though it was a long shot, I couldn't help but wonder how she felt about me.

"Mere?" Izzie snapped me out of the archive of my own thoughts.

"What?" I ask, suddenly aware of how zoned out I was.

Brown sugar and LavenderWhere stories live. Discover now