Chapter eighteen: Its a survivor

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Meredith's POV:

I woke up the next morning feeling groggy and confused. I was upstairs in bed, and my alarm was screaming bloody murder. I had no clue how I got to bed, since I fell asleep with Addie on the couch.

Groaning, I rolled over and shut the alarm off before going to nudge Addie to wake her up.

"It's time to get up" I murmur, but I'm surprised when I nudge air. She isn't there.

I sit up abruptly, and look to see the other side of the bed is completely made up and neatly tucked in, like no one slept in it. Finding this weird, I stuff my feet into slippers and head downstairs.

"Iz?" I call out, noticing the absence of Izzie and George's normal morning routines. "George?"

"Meredith, why the hell are you yelling?" Christina stands at the kitchen table eating some dry cereal in her pjs "we've got another hour before we have to leave, eat something and go get a shower"

"What the hell are you doing here?" I ask, confused.

"I live here?" She says, looking at me strangely.

"Where are Izzie and George?" I ask

"Stevens and O'Malley?" Christina asks, wide eyed.

"Uh yeah?" I ask.

"They're probably at home, doing whatever those idiots do" she muttered bitterly "Karevs not far behind them, no doubt"

"What?" I ask, confused.

"Let me remind you in case you've suddenly hit your head and want to be friends with them" Christina says slowly "they stopped talking to you. In fact, they've been jackasses since she arrived"

"She?" I ask "and why would they stop talking to me?" I'm beyond confused, I've got not a clue what's happening.

"Since the McDreamy thing?" She says in a 'duh' tone "they said you slept with him to get more surgeries. Told everyone you got all your surgeries by sleeping with the Boss. They only speak to us now to be assholes or steal surgeries" she shrugs and bites some toast.

"Why'd you stick around with me?" I ask.

"You're my person" Christina said matter of factly "doesn't matter what they say or what McDreamy or McBitch spout off"

"McBitch?" I feel like all I've done all morning is ask her questions. Which is more or less what I've been doing all morning. I still have no clue where Addie is.

"Derek's wife? Montgomery-Shepard?" Christina seems fed up with me asking all these questions.

"Addie?" I'm hoping she'll shed some light on all of this.

"Derek's wife" Christina says impatiently.

"Haven't I told you to stop calling her McBitch?" I say, rubbing my temples "she's not so bad, I know you're all on the fence but she's great"

Christina started to laugh, really hard. "That's a good one, since you nicknamed her and all"

"What?" I'm flabbergasted.

"Well she showed up here and made you look like a total whore, sleeping with a married guy. I mean, we all would've hated her no doubt but can't exactly hate her since he left her pregnant and all" Christina sighs. "Honestly, where's your head at this morning?"

Holy fucking shit.

Addie's pregnant.



"Pregnant?" I ask, completely and utterly dumbfounded.

Christina nods slowly "Jesus Mere, go get dressed or you'll be late" she pushes her way past me and up the stairs to go get ready.

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