Chapter twenty four: May wedding? June wedding?

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Addisons POV:

I woke up the next morning to a pounding on the door. It was about ten, and this was one of the rare days I had off. Mere had left for work give or take four hours ago, so I'd decided to sleep in.

I rolled over, stuffed my feet into some slippers and pulled a bath robe around me.

"Coming, coming" I mumble, stumbling down the stairs and to the front door.

I opened it up, pissed off at being woken up, and immediately wished I'd just left it closed.

Meredith's POV:

I was in surgery, holding someone's skull cap, when Addie called.

I'd been stuck in surgery with Derek, who was barely even looking at me. He was scowling and making rude comments, along with explaining loudly to anyone who'd ask, that he'd been punched and that was why there was a bruise across the side of his face.

"Dr. Grey, please hand me the suction" Derek asked coldly.

"Suction" I repeat, monotone, when the nurse pipes up.

"Dr. Grey, Dr. Montgomery is on the phone" she says politely "she says it's important and she needs to speak with you right away"

Psh, like I'd refuse a call from Addie. "Put it on speaker" I tell her kindly.

"Make it quick" Derek snaps.

"Meredith! Thank Jesus!" She exclaims through the phone. "I need you to please please please come home in a dress or something nice with a bottle of some really good wine"

"Why?" I ask curiously. "I didn't know tonight was date night"

"She's driving me crazy, Meredith. Please come home as soon as you can, I can't get rid of her" she whisper-yells through the phone.


"My Mother"

Her voice sounds so defeated and traumatized, but having a pretty crap mother myself, I could see where she was coming from.

"I haven't had a chance to tell her about you" Addie rushes, clearly stressed "she's gonna flip. I didn't tell her about the divorce, let alone my freaking female fiancée..."

"Fiancée?" Derek asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Addie" I say, ignoring Derek "I'm sure she's going to be here a few days then she'll be off, if that long" I try to calm her down.

"Meredith, I didn't want her at our wedding" Addison says seriously. We'd picked a date last night (pillow talk was basically me saying I wanted to run down to city hall then and there to make her mine, while Addie said she wanted to have a small and quaint wedding in two months or so because my friends would kill me if I got married and didn't tell or involve them, which she was right about. Upon further discussion, we decided on July 12th, our eight month anniversary on the dot.

"I'm not wearing white" Addie had said flatly. I laughed and agreed.

"I don't either. I might go with a powder blue or ivory or something. You'd look amazing in blush or pink though, Bunny" I'd answered honestly.

This was going to be one hell of a wedding.

"Why not?" I asked gently, trying to be nice.

"She'd spend the day criticizing me and my life while torturing you low key. I want it to be a good day, baby. My Mother would just stress me out. She hates me"

"She loves me" Derek pipes up.

"Shit, you're in the OR with him?" Addie swears, hearing his voice.

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