Twenty eight: Guess who's back?

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"Archer, don't" I warn. "The tangy story was enough"

Archer smirks. "But I think the last time I came for a visit I promised your lovely wife a new story"

Meredith smiles as I bury my head in her neck "Noooo" I protest.

"I already married you, goof. I'm not gonna divorce you because you could have gotten arrested" Meredith kissed my forehead, luring me out from her neck.

"Fine" I sit up and slide over so I was leaning against the arm of the couch, with my legs across Meredith's lap. "But don't say I didn't warn you"

"Alright" Archer rubs his hands together, and begins yet another horrifyingly embarrassing story with me as the main character.

"When Addie was...I dunno seventeen?" Archer said, thinking hard "she decided it would be a great idea to try and go to this giant beach party that Bizzy told her not to go to, wearing a bikini Bizzy told her not to buy. Anyway, she snuck out her window wearing some hot pink bikini top and cut off jeans. She got to the beach and started talking to this guy, I can't even remember his name. Addie, what was his name?" Archer asked me.

"Richie Stevenson" I mutter, knowing exactly what's coming and hating it.

"That's it! The guy with the weird shaped head!" Meredith chuckles as I cover my face with my hands. "So Richie Stevenson was chatting up Addie, who was wearing some skanky ass outfit, when Addie comes up with the wonderful idea of 'hey let's go make out in your car'"

"I really don't want to hear about my wife screwing some guy in high school, thanks" Mere raised an eyebrow.

I laugh "Soooo not how this story goes"

"So, continuing before I was rudely interrupted" Archer raised an eyebrow back at Meredith "they go to his car and from what some bystanders say, things got interesting. So Richie Stupidson starts putting some moves on Addie that she was just not having"

Meredith lets out a relieved sigh, and now it's my turn to raise my eyebrows "did you seriously think I was some whore in high school?" I ask.

"So Addie decides that she's gonna leave" Archer continues "of course, she's hoping he's gonna ask her out and I'm pretty sure he was, judging by what some of his buddies told me. He had a thing for her, obviously. But then, when Addie's climbing off of his lap, she smacks him square in the nuts with her knee"

I turn red, embarrassed at the memory, as Meredith and Archer laugh. "So she didn't get a second date" Meredith laughs.

"It gets better" Archer smirks "he told the police..."

"Why were the police involved?" Meredith asked, suddenly alarmed.

"I wasn't charged or arrested. They needed to take a report" I mutter.

"A report?"

"He told the police" Archer says again, louder "that Addie assaulted him or whatever. She kneed him so hard, he hit the gas pedal and she flew sideways, while he went forward. Totalled his mustang, broke his arm and bruised his nuts. When someone called the cops from the party, he was so pissed off, it was unreal. Addie had a minor concussion so she was rushed to the ER with Richie and the cops followed to take statements. In the end, no harm no foul. He had some crushed nuts and she DEFINITELY didn't get a call"

Meredith and Archer are laughing, and I'm sighing.

"Making fun at the pain of my past"

Meredith reaches over and kisses my cheek "Sorry babe, it's just really freaking funny"


An hour later, Meredith is in the kitchen ordering some pizza when Archer turns to talk to me.

"You haven't spoken to Bizzy in months" he states "she doesn't know you got married"

I snort "she doesn't care. She literally judged my entire life the last time I saw her. I'm over it, all of it. If I want to be a lesbian, I'll be a lesbian. If I want to have kids with Meredith, I'll have kids with Meredith. If I want to stay in Seattle and raise my family with my gorgeous wife, I'll do that. Bizzy doesn't have a say"

He sighs "you are her only daughter. Despite what you think, in her own twisted way she didn't mean to offend you and she does miss you"

"Let's just drop the conversation, okay Archie?" I say quickly.

He sighs yet again "You're so stubborn sometimes"

"How am I stubborn for not wanting to talk to someone who made me so freaking miserable?" I ask.

"She's our Mom, Addie. Whether you believe it or not she gave up a lot for us and you can't just ignore her existence"

"I can and I will"

"You're a child"

"Did you only visit to convince me to visit Bizzy?" I ask, exasperated.

He shrugs "I came to see my baby sister and her new wife, talking about Bizzy is a bonus"

I chuckle "is that all?"

He shrugs "the Captain is coming to visit and I figured if I got you on good terms with Biz you'd be less likely to flip"

I look at him, wide eyed and pissed off. My Mother and I had a bad relationship, but my father and I had an even worse one. He was always cheating on my Mother and would fit the term deadbeat if he wasn't loaded and had a criminal record.

"You didn't tell me until now?" I growl.

Archer smiled sheepishly, just as the front door bell rings. "Oops?"

Sighing, I get up and answer it. Sure enough, standing there is my Father, whom I haven't spoken to in two ish years.

"Addison" he smiles "good to see you. May I come in?"

I nod stiffly and open the door "Meredith!" I call over my shoulder.

Meredith joins us in the living room, confused "Adds, who's this?" She stands next to me, raising an eyebrow as we sit down across from my father and Archer.

"Meredith, this is my Father, the captain" I shoot her a look and she knows immediately what I'm trying to tell her. 'I haven't spoken to him in years because he's a dirtbag and he doesn't know we're married'.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Montgomery" Mere says nicely.

"Good to meet you" he says back.

"Captain, this is Meredith, my wife"

It's quiet for a moment, I'm not sure what he's thinking or what he's going to say. I didn't know what to expect, and I was scared.

"You got married" he states, completely monotone.

I nod "I did"

"You grew up"

"I did"

He sighs, and smiles a sad smile "Guess me checking in was kind of pointless then. You've got a wife and a job and you seem happy. You can handle yourself"

"I can, I'm quite proud" I tell him.

"I guess I'll be going then" he sighs.

I start to agree, but stop. Just because we had a god awful relationship didn't mean he wasn't my father.

"Actually, why don't you stay for a bit? I'm sure you'd love to see wedding pictures"

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